About | barbaramarxhubbard

Posted: November 19, 2019 at 11:47 am

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Barbara Marx Hubbard Dec. 22, 1929 - Apr. 10, 2019

founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution, hasauthored nine books, a social innovator, speaker and teacher of many thousand students on the theme of the New Evolutionary Story and The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary.

She helped introduce the worldview of conscious evolution into the world, calling this an epic evolutionary shift from Homo sapiens sapiens toward Homo universalis, a new human and a new world.

She was the co-Chair of The Center for Integral Wisdom as well of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Together these two sister organizations are working to develop a Great Library of books, including teachings and works that evolve the source code of our culture. They co-created the first Church of Evolutionary Love to enhance the evolution of love in the world, available every Saturday from 9- 10 Pacific Time.

She was a co-founder of the World Future Society, the Association for

Global New Thought, The Club of Budapest, the Evolutionary Leaders, and is co-chair of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency on the Democratic ticket proposing an Office for the Future to map, track, connect and communicate what is working and a Peace Room as sophisticated as a war room in the office of the vice presidency.

In the early 80s she was an active Soviet-American Citizen Diplomat, working with Rama Vernon to hold Soviet-American Citizen conferences in Moscow and in Washington D.C. using the SYNCON conference format.

In the 1970s she formed the Committee for the Future in Washington D.C. and she co-invented the SYNCON PROCESS developing a new social process moving towarda more synergistic democracy to seek common goals and match needs with resources The SYNCONS were held, with many different types of groups, including gang leaders from Los Angeles, space scientists from Huntsville, and students at Southern Illinois University to examine a new global goal to build new worlds on Earth, new worlds in Space, new worlds in the Human Mind.

She has worked closely with Catholic sisters to bring forth her view of the evolutionary approach to the New Testament, recorded in her book The Evolutionary Testament: The Promise will be Kept. She is advocating the rise of Evolutionary Women and Evolutionary Men joining genius to evolve each other and the world.Born in 1929 she has five children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Original post:
About | barbaramarxhubbard

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November 19th, 2019 at 11:47 am

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