Isha Yoga, Sivananda Ashram, Krishna Consciousness

Posted: December 28, 2014 at 3:47 pm

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The Blogger had published a full length post titled "Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev His Enlightenment & Isha Cult Empire " As It Is" of "Isha Foundation & Its Founder False Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev" which was removed from this blog, on 16-July-2013 because of Legal Request Filed with Google. If you need the same then please click here& please visit If you need the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya Click Here ! If you need the Shakti Chalana Kriya Click Here !

This Blog posted was suspended from 15-May-2012 to 23-May-2012 after receiving defamation law suit/death threat from an Fanatical Isha Meditator towards the blogger and has now been re-enabled. If this post dissipates in future then it may be assumed that the blogger is dead or is in Jail but truth shall prevail as nothing written is false. On 26-July-2013 the Isha Foundation Criminals have hacked into two e-mail accounts of this blogger, and changed it's password and ID's.

Note-1: This post is especially, intended for those [very young people, from early teens till their 30's] who might, get captivated/carried away, by Sri Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's[SJV] mesmerizing voice, logical talk, after reading his books "Mystic's Musings" & Encounter The Enlightened [Today's Isha Foundation is not the same as described in these 2 books and does not need anyone's help & support to stand on it's own]and might abandon their families, give up their school/college education, careers, surrender their freedom, wealth, properties, even their intelligence to SJV & put their entire lives, in his hands & accept him, as the be all, end all for them, to seek/pursue this so-called Enlightenment & to become a full time teacher/volunteer/monk for Isha Foundation at their ashram in India & Nashville, Tennessee, USA and may regret this later. If you are not of this type, have a strong mind, will and can, retain your own individuality/originality, balance, even after doing Isha Yoga Programs, then this post, is not intended for you! You can read my experience, of Isha Yoga Programs, in my posts, Life After Isha Yoga 1 & 2 in this Blog under April 2011.

PS: The Face Book like Button has been added in this Blog. Please click on the individual blog posts by name/title for the button to be visible.

By Colonel Zaysen

Dated:15-April-2011 Friday

Signs that Isha Foundation is A Cult!

1] A charismatic leader with unverifiable claims of divinity. Jaggi Vasudev talks about past lives and fairy tale stuff based on False Hood. At the same time, he claims that his inner experience, is even more clearer, than what tradition or scripture is saying. The way, Jaggi Vasudev, has portrayed himself as God, for his followers, in the ashram as be all/end all for them.

2]Deceptive Recruitment, by promising, something, intangible like enlightenment/liberation and conveying that Isha is the only way for them. The excessive use of "logical double talk", and overemphasize, on the word "experience", to purposefully, shake/destroy the faith of people, in their own religions/scriptures/gods/beliefs/intuitions.

The deliberate use of "contradictory talk" & "pretense" using "superficial charm/glib" to establish the Isha Cult as genuine to people by placing all the cards on the table beforehand even if they are lying cards.I.E [don't believe me, don't disbelieve me] & to play on the weaknesses of psychologically fragile people, to keep them unsettled & on tenter hooks, like a balance, that is constantly in motion, never steady, with a purpose to enslave them for life!

Excerpt from:
Isha Yoga, Sivananda Ashram, Krishna Consciousness

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Written by simmons |

December 28th, 2014 at 3:47 pm

Posted in Ashram

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