Posted: December 31, 2017 at 10:49 pm

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Is life like a dream?

According to the Buddhists, "individuals consist of a 'bundle' of habits, memories, sensations, desires, and so forth, which together delude one into thinking that he or she consists of a stable, lasting self.

"This false self hangs together as a unit, and even reincarnates in body after body.

"In Buddhism, as well as in Hinduism, life in a corporeal body is viewed negatively, as the source of all suffering.

"Hence, the goal is to obtain release.

"In Buddhism, this means abandoning the false sense of self so that the bundle of memories and impulses disintegrates, leaving nothing to reincarnate and hence nothing to experience pain."

Buddhist Afterlife Beliefs


According to certainBuddhist thinkers:

"When we see houses and fields in dreams, we think of them as being external objects that are not created by the mind, even though they are nothing other than projections of our mind.

"All that we see when we are awake is also nothing other than a creation of the mind."

Footnote on a guru - The New York Times

Englishman Alan Watts (1915 1973), a fan of Eastern religions, wrote books about religion and philosophy.

Watts had a "far-reaching influence on the American intelligentsia." (Alan Watts - Wikipedia)

As a child, while ill with a fever, Watts claimed to have had a mystical vision.

While living in London, Watts got to know theosophists like Alice Bailey, some of whom believed that the 'divine' can be found in everyone.

The theosophists are a mixed bunch and their ideas are controversial.

Alice Bailey wrote of the Jews as a race, with group karma, characteristics, and behaviors.

She believed Jews embody the characteristics of "materialism, cruelty and a spiritual conservatism" and the "separative, selfish, lower concrete mind." [124][125]

Bailey said that "The Jews, by their illegal and terrorist activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace."[147])

Bailey stated that all religions originate from the same spiritual source, and that humanity will eventually come to realize this, and as they do so, the result will be the emergence of a universal world religion and a "new world order." [151][152]

In the 1930s, Alan Watts took an interest in Zen Buddhism.

In 1938, he got married to Eleanor Everett.

Watts entered an Anglican/Episcopalian Theological Seminary, in Illinois, USA.

There he attempted to work out a blend mystical Christianity and Asian philosophy.

In 1945, Watts became an Anglican/Episcopalian priest.

He then had an extramarital affair.

Watts's marriage was ended and Watts ceased to be a priest.

Watts developed a strong interest in Hinduism and Quantum Physics.

Watts began to dabble in mescaline given to him by Dr. Oscar Janiger, a University of California Irvine Psychiatrist who was best known for his LSD research.

Watts tried LSD several times.

"Many of the seminal figures of the counterculture were first introduced to LSD ... by scientists and physicians who were conducting CIA-funded research and attending conferences funded by CIA-front foundations.

"I met the Menlo Park researcher who gave Ken Kesey his first dose of acid and the Los Angeles psychiatrists who gave the drug to Henry and Claire Booth Luce, Anais Nin, Alan Watts, Cary Grant, and a host of other luminaries.

"All were part of the CIA-enabled network."


Watts became more influenced by Hinduism.

He wrote about how 'opposites' such as 'good' and 'bad' are essentials of human life and human evolution.

Watts claimed that the universe consists of a 'self' which becomes all the things, living and non living, in the cosmos.

In other words, Watts, inspired by Hindu ideas, wrote that God plays all the parts in the drama of life.

God plays the part of Hitler and the part of Mother Teresa.

We personally find it difficult to believe that 'God' plays the part of Hitler, at the point at which Hitler is planning genocide.

Now, of course, the CIA, and certain Hindu fascists, might like us to believe that God played the parts of the shooters in the Mumbai Attacks of 2008.

Alan Watts was married three times. (Alan Watts - Wikipedia)

"Laden with social and financial responsibilities, he struggled increasingly with alcohol addiction."

He died at the age of 58.


The rest is here:

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Written by grays |

December 31st, 2017 at 10:49 pm

Posted in Alan Watts

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