101 Alan Watts Quotes – Secular Buddhism

Posted: October 6, 2018 at 1:48 am

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Reposted from Biocadence Blog

Alan Watts (Jan 6, 1915 Nov 16, 1973) was a philosopher known for opening Western minds to Eastern wisdom. He called himself an entertainer, rather than a guru or teacher, and encouraged a dialogue that is increasingly relevant in the spectrum of current events. Intertwinedwith stunning scholarship, his buoyant humor resounds, linking many of us to the collective unconscious. Today, 101 years after his birth, Im sharing 101 quotes that have deeply impacted my understanding of the human experience. Enjoy!

*Alan Watts was a prolific writer and speaker. I source the specific work for every quote that I can, and include (audio) to reference material sourced from audio lectures found onalanwatts.org and alanwatts.com. Hearing his voice and cadence drives his message to a deeper level; I recommend Alan Watts 101 for short animated videos coupled with some of my favorite talks.

~Compiled by Annie Tichenor, with the help of Mark Watts, Nicolette Schumacher, and Allison Faust

This was originally posted on the Biocadence blog. I reposted the content here to celebrate 101 years of Alan Watts for his birthday.

Go here to read the rest:
101 Alan Watts Quotes - Secular Buddhism

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October 6th, 2018 at 1:48 am

Posted in Alan Watts

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