Yoga, Zumba, aerobics aren’t just for women any more

Posted: March 17, 2013 at 10:47 pm

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By Elisha Pappacoda FOX 35 News

Workouts that used to be thought of as strictly for chicks are working out for men, too.

Take it from Adam Levine, whose yoga spread in Men's Health magazine had women raising their eyebrows and men wondering whether they could get in that kind of shape doing "downward dogs."

From yoga to Zumba, guys are manning up and hitting fitness classes alongside the ladies.

"When I first started Zumba classes every one of [my students] was female," said Lisa Hines, aerobics coordinator at Platinum Fitness in Sanford. "It took one man to come into class, so then all of a sudden, I'm getting four to six of them a night."

Hines has been teaching aerobics for more than 20 years and recently noticed more men braving her conventionally female-oriented classes.

"I have such a huge variety of male students," she said, adding that their ages range from teens to older than 70.

Adrian Amayo, 22, said he wanted to try something different when he joined the gym.

"It's all about Latin and a rhythm," Amayo said of Zumba.

Amayo said he not only gets the benefits of a cardiovascular workout, but he learns dance moves he can show off at the club.

Yoga, Zumba, aerobics aren't just for women any more

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Written by simmons |

March 17th, 2013 at 10:47 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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