Staying Sharp: Brain Aerobics Class Combating Mental Decline

Posted: February 19, 2013 at 9:48 pm

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NORMAL- A new program at Illinois State University is taking steps to prevent the early onset of Alzheimer's and dementia.

The free classes, known as "Brain Aerobics," focus on building problem solving skills, creativity and mental processing.

Specialists say cognitive development begins to decline in our late 20ss.

But the effects aren't noticed until people reach middle age.

To sharpen the mind, the program features web and worksheet based activities to stimulate parts of the brain.

Organizer Jennine Harvey says this helps people maintain their memory and mental skills.

"Doing something every day. So they come in with us and we work with them once a week," said Harvey. "They also have activities they take home with them to complete everyday so it's an ongoing process."

The program is open to anyone 60 to 90 years of age.

Harvey says it is important people take steps to combat the problem now, so baby boomers can enjoy their golden years.

For more information on Brain Aerobics call 309-438-8934.

Read more:
Staying Sharp: Brain Aerobics Class Combating Mental Decline

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Written by simmons |

February 19th, 2013 at 9:48 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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