Lift weights to lose weight

Posted: December 21, 2013 at 6:43 pm

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Lift weights to lose weight

By TONY WAGNER Citizen Columnist

Dear Mr. Fitness:

I have been reading your column religiously for several years now and I have a question. Why do you always tell people to lift weights if they are only interested in losing weight? I thought all you should be doing is aerobics and dieting. Won't lifting weights make you gain weight? Most people want to lose weight.

-- Heavy Duty

Dear Heavy Duty:

You know Heavy, I believe you have written to me in the past. I am glad you are still tuning in! Here's why you want to lift weights if you want to lose body fat: The more lean muscle tissue you have, the easier it will be for you to permanently (yes, for good) lose the fat! After all, that is what we wish to accomplish, the total shedding of the fat, and not have it come back. At least I hope that's what people wish.

If you were to rely on a diet, then you can be assured of one thing: The weight will come back on you. Countless folks can attest to this truth.

If you rely on aerobics only, you won't have the fat burning potential that muscle provides you. Aerobics do not build fat-burning muscles. Always remember that it is your muscles that burn your body fat. Fat gives your muscles energy, not just carbohydrates.

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Lift weights to lose weight

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Written by simmons |

December 21st, 2013 at 6:43 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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