City Council approves bypass south connector resolution

Posted: February 26, 2014 at 2:48 pm

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DUNCAN Two years have passed since the Duncan City Council chose not to approve a resolution involving a Duncan Bypass south connector.

On Tuesday, council members approved the resolution, which will require significantly less of the City of Duncans funds to bring to fruition.

The funds are needed to move utilities in the south connector area, and the City of Duncan will be paying about 10 percent or $231,961.20 to make it happen. This number was a decrease from the original $385,000 the city would have paid, if the council had approved the resolution in November 2011.

A substantial amount of federal funding will be used here, City Manager Jim Frieda said.

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation, which also will pay 10 percent to move the utilities, proposed the south connector from U.S. Highway 81 near Cherokee Road to the existing intersection at 27th Street.

Frieda said the project is intended to help with traffic flow on U.S. Highway 81. Although the City Council approved the citys involvement in the project, the project would not get underway until 2016.

The city would also not start making payments on the project until that same year, which Frieda said could be beneficial to the city, especially when it comes to budgeting for the project.

That would give us two budgets to being appropriating funds, Frieda said.

Frieda said the council appeared to have made the right call in 2011, when it chose to not approve the resolution.

Because the city was cautious and mindful of its funds, it all looks like it will work out favorably, Frieda said.

Originally posted here:
City Council approves bypass south connector resolution

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Written by simmons |

February 26th, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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