Health & Fitness: Get back on the wagon

Posted: March 15, 2012 at 7:08 am

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By Susan Armiak

Susan Armiak/Ile Camera file photo

You know how well youve been sticking to your New Years resolution.

Yep, the one that you promised yourself youd stick to this time. The one that if you had stuck to it, youd be summer ready already. Yeah, that one

Well, since its easy to put your goals aside while you take care of everybody else, lets take a look at some ways to make getting back on the wagon a smidge easier:

Schedule. Yes, schedule yourself in. You schedule time for the cable guy, the work meeting and your childs orthodontist appointment. You can make time for you.

Donate. That outfit you were saving because you looked so good in it three years ago, in college or even high school. Yeah, that one. Get rid of it. Donate it. Send it back into the universe. You arent the same person. Youve changed. Instead, set your sights on an outfit that represents who you want to be.

Turtle. I know its frustrating when the progress is slow. Remember, it was the turtle who won the race, not the rabbit. Be the turtle!

Family and friends. Jog while your child is riding a bike. Take your dog for a brisk walk. Meet your friends at the local track and walk or jog on the bleachers while you catch up on each others lives. Having the support of your family and friends can help motivate and inspire you while keeping you determined to achieve your goal.

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Health & Fitness: Get back on the wagon

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Written by admin |

March 15th, 2012 at 7:08 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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