Resolving De Limas dilemma on Ashley Madison

Posted: December 7, 2014 at 7:46 am

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Your mantra for the week:

I am not a sinner, I am a winner.

In 1999, Pope John Paul II (now Saint John Paul) announced that we must forget the flames of fire and the devils with pitchforks, and that heaven was not up in the clouds and hell was not a physical place either.

Fifteen years later, this issue has not been clarified by the Philippine Church. It is probably waiting for somebody to explain why the then Pope would give such an edict.

However, he explained further that hell is real but not inflicted by God, but rather something sinners brought unto themselves.

Recall that sin is an old archery term which meant missing-the-mark. It implies that sinners are not bad people, but persons whose consciousness has not been able to differentiate between good and evil.

Notice that if you add the letter d to evil, it would spell the word devil. The devil has been defined as an evil spirit lurking around, constantly tempting us to commit a negative act.

But in truth, the devil is simply the spirit of evil that is a potential within each one of us. It becomes a problem when the unenlightened gives in to this potential many times. They are bedeviled.

The metaphysical flames that we have been threatened with since childhood are anger, ill-will and resentment. The pitchforks are the diseases that follow the flames; they hurt like forks embedded in our physical body.

In other words, it is Consciousness that determines whether we experience the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand or hellfire that is of our own making Choose ye today, God or mammon.

See more here:
Resolving De Limas dilemma on Ashley Madison

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Written by simmons |

December 7th, 2014 at 7:46 am

Posted in Eckhart Tolle

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