Getting through the lobster feast as a vegan
Posted: January 8, 2015 at 1:54 pm
On Sunday, four days into my monthlong vegan diet, I went to dinner with dear friends 10 people whod planned for many weeks to share a Chinese seafood feast.
Could I make an exception (a.k.a. cheat)? my son asked. I cannot say that wasnt tempting. But not workable. I wasnt ready to break this resolution, and I didnt want to lie. Fortunately, the friend who planned the dinner just laughed and ordered extra tofu and vegetable dishes.
I tried not to look at the gorgeous mountain of lobster on the platter. It helped that wine is vegan.
It also helps that I can cook. Ive been eating from my pot of vegan soup, made from what was in the fridge (potatoes, chard, carrots, celery and more) and added in some chickpeas for protein and wonderful pasta shells from the Los Angeles company Semolina Artisanal Pasta. I also love nuts. (Who could resist PB&;J on whole grain bread?)
After I announced in The Times that I would track a months progress as a vegan, I got lots of advice and support from readers, too, such as trying yogurt made from almond or soy milk and some restaurants to try. (An online search turned up 60 vegan restaurants in Los Angeles.)
I also heard from people who were upset with me for saying my motivation was not animal welfare, and I heard about the health benefits of a vegan diet from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The Paleo diet proponents havent been in touch yet.
Which raises the question: Why would anyone be a vegan? (According to a 2011 Harris Poll, about 5% of Americans are full-on vegetarian, including vegans.)
The answers fall mostly into these categories: being healthy, protecting the planet (water use and greenhouse gas emissions from the meat industry), promoting animal welfare.
But vegans havent cornered the market on those issues, said Brian Kateman, a 25-year-old New Yorker who grew up eating a standard American diet.
The question is not how can we can we increase the amount of vegetarians and vegans, but how can we reduce the amount of meat consumption, said Kateman, who with a friend came up with the concept of reducetarians, people who are working to reduce the amount of animal food they eat.
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Getting through the lobster feast as a vegan
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