Ashram Yoga | Bringing People Together

Posted: November 30, 2014 at 3:51 pm

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Ashram Yoga


Getting started in yoga is easy. All it takes is some time and some basic instruction. At Ashram Yoga, we teach beginners a sequence of postures is called pawanmuktasana, as demonstrated by Devananda in this video. It comprises simple movements that anyone can do and its effect on health and well-being are profound and far reaching.

On our Level 1 yoga teacher training course we encourage our students to practise pawanmuktasana everyday. The feedback is always the same they are surprised at how beneficial it is even for seasoned yogis.

Ashram Yogas senior director Swami Shantimurti Saraswati raves about pawanmuktasana. He says it benefits everyone, including those who are recovering from serious accidents or disease. He also points out that foundational practices help advanced yogis become more advanced.

In our opinion, pawanmuktasana should be taught in schools and hospitals. Everyone should know how to do it. It relieves stress, loosen the joints, increases the flow of energy in the mind and body and just makes you feel good without much effort. The best way to learn pawanmuktasana is by attending our Yoga for Beginners Course or joining the Level 1 yoga teacher training course.



See the original post:
Ashram Yoga | Bringing People Together

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Written by simmons |

November 30th, 2014 at 3:51 pm

Posted in Ashram

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