When they could, they would

Posted: February 5, 2014 at 10:44 am

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We constantly talk of creating a non-discriminating society. The criterion to distinguish such society from others is vague though. However, a sound approach towards this worthy cause would be to judge our own selves by looking at how we care for disabled people in the society.

The launch of three child-friendly books by Navajeevana; The Flowered Umbrella, The Lost Pot of Curd and My Heart Sings was part and parcel with this excercise.

The books authored by Hilda Amaraweera and the world-renowned artiste Sybil Wettasinghe, and enriched with the latter's illustrations, were launched last week in Colombo.

The objective was raising awareness and obtaining sponsorship to place them in libraries and cater to households throughout the country. These may include school and children's libraries, temple and church libraries, medical and dental clinics and of course the 'homes' of well-meaning citizens.

Awkward feelings

Making the keynote address, Ladies College Vice Principal Nirmali Wickramasinghe urged the need to empathize with disabled children. She said being 'dark' is somewhat similar to being disabled for many women in our society and the unprecedented levels in sales of fairness-creams in the marketplace prove this point.

"People tend to feel inadequate and lacking something due to no reason whatsoever and being dark in Sri Lankan society is one example. (On contrary, in European societies being dark and tall adds value to a person) Today is an era of multiple intelligence. Thus thinking out-of-the-box is vital," said Wickramasinghe.

The puppet show by Sulochana Dissanayake based on the story in one of the books; 'The Lost Pot of Curd' highlighted the magical 'out-of-the-box thinking ability' of a disabled child. Three cheers for Sulochana for her exceptional artistic talents and the ability to keep an audience spell-bound.

The dance act of Kosala to the song 'Koheda Koheda Apae Lowak' of 'Madol Doowa' fame too added glamour to the event and stimulated emotion among the audience.

Cherish the love

Original post:
When they could, they would

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Written by simmons |

February 5th, 2014 at 10:44 am

Posted in Excercise

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