Downward Dragon: See What Happens When Yoga and D&D Collide

Posted: January 31, 2014 at 10:43 am

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Whats the difference between a Dungeon Master and a yoga instructor? One sits in a room of people and slowly twists them into knots with nothing but the sound of their voice, and the other does pretty much the same thing. OK, its not necessarily the worlds most natural mashup, but that didnt stop artist Scott Wayne Indiana, interactive artist (and Dungeon Master) Eric Hagan and movement instructor Sarah Danke from somehow transforming a D&D campaign into a yoga class. In the video above, which describes itself as the world premiere of D&D yoga, you can watch clips where they transform common D&D actions like slicing at a foe and flipping a switch into poses. (Yes, theres even a Dice-Rolling Pose.)

To keep things simple, all of the participants also yoga-played as the same character, a roguish rugged individual who has run afoul of the local law. Participants were given a character sheet when they entered the studio, as well as a both a ten-sided die (d10) that Hagan said allowed for the easiest calculation with multiple simultaneous players.

The goal was to complete an entire quest, in this case returning the mysterious package to an ancient temple to absolve yourself, Hagan told WIRED. The participants rolled dice at key points in the story: during battle, to check for success in hiding, climbing, searching the room, and also to avoid the trap which sprung out at them In future versions I would probably re-work the roll of the die to be more pivotal in swaying the story, but it was amazing to have a whole room full of people in sync rolling to determine their fate.

If youre motivated enough, it could even come to a yoga studio near you: on the projects Vimeo page, one of the organizers offers to help facilitate D&D Yoga in other locations and even share the full audio of the event via Dropbox. Bring your own chain mail.

Update 1/30/14 5 PM EST: Response from Hagan added.

Read more:
Downward Dragon: See What Happens When Yoga and D&D Collide

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Written by simmons |

January 31st, 2014 at 10:43 am

Posted in Financial

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