Locals Make New Years Resolutions to Get Fit

Posted: December 29, 2013 at 8:45 pm

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"It's the exercises I enjoy. When I went to the doctor, he said you should really start exercising more, and I said the only thing I want to do is swim, and he said, well, then you should get a membership and start swimming, so that's what I did. I made a resolution to swim 365 miles in 365 days, and I accomplished that with a little bit of extra time," said Total Fitness Connection member Brent Norris.

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) -- Now that Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone, it's time to start thinking about New Years and your resolutions. Gyms can be the most common place to find those resolutions, and how you can stick to them.

"To cut down on my body fat for sure, and tone up a little bit," said Total Fitness Connection member Eric Ferguson.

The fitness manager at Total Fitness Connection says he hears resolutions like that frequently, and often from those not used to working out.

"People that have never set foot in a gym tend to show up around January or February and get started, so it's a good time to get rolling right after the holidays,"said Total Fitness Connection Fitness Manager Steve Bean.

Today, a mother son duo had their first workout together.

"He wants to tone up. I want to tone up and better myself, and instead of going bowling and doing things we usually do outside, it's a thing we can do together. Our New Year's resolution is to get in shape... both of us, together," said Dawn Swain.

Bean says resolutions to get in shape are so common, they offer free enrollment on New Years day, but while the goals may be easy to set, he says they can be difficult to stick with.

"There's a big drop off around March, April and May before the summer," said Bean.

One man who began swimming at age five, and even swam for WKU, says he made sure to stick with his resolution by basing it on what he loves doing most, swimming.

The rest is here:
Locals Make New Years Resolutions to Get Fit

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Written by simmons |

December 29th, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Posted in Excercise

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