Yoga Classes Held At Newly Renovated Echo Park Become Controversial

Posted: October 25, 2013 at 1:42 am

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(credit: Facebook/Yoga Echo Park)

ECHO PARK ( Yoga classes organized in Echo Park have become controversial in the community.

Yoga Echo Park was started by Steven Arcos at the newly renovated park at 1632 Bellevue Ave.

It is designed for those that love being outside, being active, and obviously doing yoga. Whether you are new to yoga are a card-holding yogi, youll enjoy the newly renovated Echo Park while moving through fun vinyasa flows and relaxing with some gentle meditation. Expect to sweat, laugh, grow, or discover something new about yourself, according to the YEP Facebook page.

On Monday, a woman posted on the Echo Elysian Neighborhood Forum criticizing the amount of space the class took up.

A physical trainer took over a good sized hunk of the north east lawn this morning (about half-tennis court size) and spread out about ten mats, set up a table with a basket and other stuff. When I passed by a short time later, at least a dozen people were synchronized to the trainers instructions. This person is probably charging while using prime lawn space at the park. This is just as bad as the guys on blankets selling used clothing, Judith Raskin wrote.

Arcos responded Tuesday:

I was told that you did not need a permit or reservation at this time to use this space. I have every intention of doing this the right way so please let me know who I should contact. I am really saddened that people seem to be accusing me of doing something so terrible and malicious. It really is just a simple yoga class that everyone can enjoy.

The conversation was then picked up by the popular Eastsider LA blog, which has 65 comments, including responses to particular complaints from Arcos.

Get a permit and pay taxes. Some days there are 2 and 3 events scheduled. Looks like hes working the system, Ruth wrote.

Excerpt from:
Yoga Classes Held At Newly Renovated Echo Park Become Controversial

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Written by simmons |

October 25th, 2013 at 1:42 am

Posted in Financial

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