YWCA to host prenatal yoga series

Posted: August 5, 2013 at 2:52 pm

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Prenatal yoga series Posted: Monday, Aug. 05, 2013 NXT-YOGA 4 SE Benjamin Benschneider - MCT Store | Susie Farnick knows the benefits of prenatal yoga first hand. As a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher who has been an instructor for over 8 years, Farnick has enjoyed and taught many styles of yoga, but keeps coming back to prenatal yoga because of the feelings of hope, restoration and love it fosters. Mom to a two-year old, Farnick not only sees significant health benefits of prenatal yoga, but a very supportive and nurturing community of students as well. "I can't begin to tell you how many students have met in class and now get together socially for playdates. It's really amazing to see the bond not only between mother and child but between other moms" says Faarnick.

As far as health benefits go, Farnick shares that prenatal yoga:

Increases overall strength, flexibility & well-being When you practice yoga, you are not only stretching your muscles, you are stretching the tissues that encase your muscles, stimulating your organ systems, promoting the circulation of blood and oxygen, breathing more intentionally, and focusing your attention inward through imagery and meditation. The combined effect is intended to be one that promotes a heightened state of physical and emotional well-being.

Reduces low back pain & sciatica As you become acutely aware of proper body alignment, you can carry yourself and your belly in an integrated manner. This can help to reduce the degree of pelvic tilt associated with pregnancy and significantly reduce the lower back pain which it can cause. Additionally, there are specific yoga poses which stretch the muscles and tissues associated with the lower back, hips, and hamstrings. Your instructor should make these poses a part of each class.

Helps prepare you physically for giving birth A regular practice of squatting asana helps to tone muscles of your pelvic floor and helps you gain strength to remain comfortable in a squatting position. This is an integral part of any yoga program as it helps to familiarize you with these very useful muscles. Even if you choose not to squat during labor, you will want to be able to use these muscles efficiently and effectively when nature calls upon you to push your baby into the world.

Improves emotional well-being Participating in a group prenatal class provides a community of support from new friends who understand what you are experiencing. Some programs may even include discussions about pregnancy-related topics such as doulas, nursing, and birth plans.

Farnick currently teaches at the YWCA Central Carolinas, where a series for expecting mothers and workshops for moms-to-be and their partners will be held to share the benefits and techniques of prenatal yoga.

Prenatal Class Series: (Four 1-hour classes)

Asana: Learn appropriate yoga asana (poses) for every stage of your pregnancy and explore benefits of yoga for child birth and overall well-being.

Breathing: Discover deep breathing techniques to assist you during times of stress and also provide tools for labor and delivery.

Go here to read the rest:
YWCA to host prenatal yoga series

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Written by simmons |

August 5th, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Posted in Financial

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