Confirmation of dog excercise park for Kaipatiki

Posted: May 27, 2013 at 5:54 pm

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Confirmation of dog excercise park for Kaipatiki

Im very pleased that the creation a Dog Exercise Park for the Kaipatiki area has been confirmed by the Kaipatiki Local Board. The establishment of a dog park in our area was one of the issues that I campaigned on at the 2010 election, and Im very proud that it is finally going ahead, said John Gillon, Member of the Kaipatiki Local Board and Parks, Reserves and Playgrounds portfolio holder.

Last May I secured a budget of $20,000 of Local Board discretionary capex funding for locating a site for a Dog Park, surveying residents and creating the park. I also identified the large back part of Manuka Reserve in Bayview as a possible location. The Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust has since conducted a survey of residents in the area and has received an overwhelmingly positive response , said John Gillon.

On Wednesday, the Kaipatiki Local Board confirmed that it will be proceeding with the Dog Exercise Park and have asked the Auckland Council Parks Department to implement the project. If Manuka Reserve is found to be unsuitable, then the Parks Department will locate an alternative site within the Kaipatiki area. What is a Dog Exercise Park?

A Dog Exercise Park is an area containing facilities for dogs, such as agility courses, tunnels, ramps, ponds, fresh water and doggy-doo bins. Dog parks may contain fenced areas where dogs can run free and socialise on- or off-leash. They may also include separate areas for small and large dogs. Dog Parks are not just for dogs, but are also a great place for dog owners to meet and socialise, so may include facilities such as picnic tables and seating. Example Dog Parks in Christchurch:

Kaipatiki Local Board motions that were passed unanimously:Resolution number KT/2013/102 MOVED by Member JGA Gillon, seconded Member GM Gillon: That the Kaipatiki Local Board: a) receives the Community Co-ordinators: Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust - April/May 2013 report.

b) congratulates and thanks the Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust for their ongoing work in the community.

c) endorses the dog park project and asks the Parks officers to review the proposed Manuka reserve site and implement the project if the site is considered appropriate, including provision for a dog drinking bowl/facility either as part of the dog park or located adjacent to the toilets, whichever is most cost effective.

d) asks Parks officers to work with the Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust to find an alternate site for the dog park project if the Manuka Reserve proves an unworkable location.

e) asks the Parks department to work with the Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust to establish a partnership contract to deliver the dog park project. CARRIED

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Confirmation of dog excercise park for Kaipatiki

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Written by simmons |

May 27th, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Posted in Excercise

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