Can You Do Yoga if You Aren't Flexible?

Posted: May 24, 2013 at 6:50 am

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May 23, 2013 6:00am

I always thought that ofyogaas something only done by young,lithe ballet enthusiasts. It was definitely not something practiced by uncoordinated,middle-aged guys whocant touch their toes. Put me in the latter category and add to that that Im nearly six-and-a-half feet tall andhave had two back operations.

But my wife, Jeanne, is nothing if not persistent when it comes to me and exercise. Twenty years ago she convinced me to try step aerobics, eventually persuading me that it was okay to be the only guy in a class of women who seemed to have stepped from a chorus line. I hid in the back row where itdidntmatter that I was often a beat behind everyone else. And, over time, I learned the moves, got a great workout and improved my sense of timing.

Seven years ago, Jeanne decided that I should try yoga. Ive had lower back issues since I was a teenager (while extreme height is great for seeing over crowds, it does put strain on the lower lumbar vertebrae), and in my mid-thirties, I blew a couple of disks and ended up having two back operations. What little flexibility I once had pretty much vanished. On a good day, I could touch my knees. But my toes? Well, I could see them, but to touch themId haveto sit down.

I agreed to try a yoga class and came away totally discouraged. Icouldntdo anything! Then Jeanne got me one of the best birthday giftsIveever received: a six-class pass for a workshop called, Yoga for the Stiff Guy. It was taught by two women who could double as stand-up comics, and the class was full of guys like me: tight hamstrings and a lot of pride.

The instructors eased our entry into the world of yoga with laughter as we learned down dog, up dog, mountain and tree. We focused on learning how to breathe and listen to our bodies. We learned to put aside the drive to compete with others and shift the focus to our inner selves.

Dr. Besser does the crow yoga pose to prove you don't have to be flexible to do yoga.

I took the workshop three times before I felt comfortable launching myself into a class with the flexibly-gifted. Now, I continue to practice yoga. Im still in the back row where I wont distract others, and I use a bunch of blocks and straps to modify the poses I have difficulty with. But my back has never felt better and remarkably, my toes are getting a little bit closer.

There is increasing research demonstrating the health benefits of yoga. This week in ourtwitter chat, #abcDrBchat, we explored the science of yoga and meditation.Check it out here! And maybe Ill see you in the back row of a yoga class.

Tell Me the Truth, Doctor is a weekly column written byABC News chief health and medical editorDr. Richard Besser. Look for Dr. Bessers book in stores now!

Originally posted here:
Can You Do Yoga if You Aren't Flexible?

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Written by simmons |

May 24th, 2013 at 6:50 am

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