Yoga Vietnam Teacher Training Course Offered by Sivananda Yoga International Organization

Posted: May 11, 2013 at 1:54 am

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Chu Chi, Vietnam (PRWEB) May 10, 2013

The Sivananda Yoga Farm announced on May 8th, 2013 its international Teacher's Training Course in Vietnam starting February 9th, 2014. The Yoga teacher training course California was designed by the renowned Swami Vishnu-devananda. It is an intensive immersion in Yoga, balanced between theory and practice. Students come from different backgrounds and cultures and live harmoniously together in a spiritual community under the guidance of teachers. Since 1969, over 30,000 yoga teachers have been trained through the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers' TTC program (see yoga teacher training).

Swami Sita, also known and Swami Sitaramananda is the main teacher for the program. She is a gifted speaker and teacher of yoga and meditation; Swami Sitaramananda has been serving for more than 30 years worldwide. She leads the daily meditation and Yoga lecture sessions and personally instructs and coaches resident students while at the ashram. She has been the main teacher of the Yoga Teacher Training Course at the Yoga Farm for many years. Swami Sitaramananda was ordained in 1985 as a sannyasin in the lineage of Saraswati, one of the 10 classical monastic orders founded in India. She is a direct disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, who is the disciple of Master Sivananda.

The Yoga Farm provides a residential setting where spiritual practitioners of all levels can deepen their practice through the study of classical yoga, meditation and vedanta.

The Yoga Farm also hosts a Yoga Nidra course, courses on Yogic philosophy, Yoga for back pain and ayurvedic retreats, and an advanced Yoga teacher's training course (ATTC). The Advanced Yoga (trung tam yoga) Teacher's Training Course helps graduates deepen their spiritual practice and their study of Hatha yoga, Vedanta philosophy, Raja yoga, anatomy and Sanskrit. The advanced class gives students an additional chance to practice under guidance in a supportive atmosphere, which provides many with a boost of energy and clarity. A yoga training course will also be offered in Yoga Taiwan.

About Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm In 1971, Swami Vishnudevananda returned to California and founded the third ashram in the young Sivananda International organization: the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm on 40 acres of land located in the Gold Country of the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foothills in Northern California. The non-profit, non-sectarian ashram offers yoga classes, retreats and teacher training courses for students of all abilities. For more information, please visit

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Yoga Vietnam Teacher Training Course Offered by Sivananda Yoga International Organization

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Written by simmons |

May 11th, 2013 at 1:54 am

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