Yoga poses to relieve neck pain

Posted: April 23, 2013 at 11:48 am

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The Art of Living Foundation shares certain yoga practices that can help you get rid of neck pain.

Gone are the days when 'small is good' was the motto. Today we want everything to be better than the rest. Better house, better salary, better grades; even a better world.

The strife for perfection is driving us all crazy. You may say, 'It is all about evolution'! But the pace at which we are evolving is taking a toll on our health: mental, physical and emotional.

Our desires have taken shape of needs and the fulfillment of these needs requires commitment towards work. In due course we overstrain ourselves, converting the body to a factory. Wear and tear follows next. A very common ailment that affects most of us then is neck pain.

Cervicalgia, which is neck pain in medical terms, arises mostly from long, continuous hours of sitting in the same posture or a rough night of sleep and reduced workout.

When the causes of neck pain are so simple, why not the cure?

To do away with the 'pain in the neck', we bring to you seven simple steps (asanas or yoga postures) that are easy-to-do and won't eat into your daily busy schedule.

Continued here:
Yoga poses to relieve neck pain

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Written by simmons |

April 23rd, 2013 at 11:48 am

Posted in Financial

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