Yoga, sex and hot shower help you have a good night sleep

Posted: April 23, 2013 at 11:48 am

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Melbourne, Apr. 22 (ANI): People, who practice yoga, have sex and a hot shower give themselves the best chance of having a good night's sleep, a study has claimed.

The ReDormin Sleep Study found that doing yoga can increase a person's sleep by 64 minutes, while making love and a hot shower before going to bed can each give you 6 minutes of extra sleep, the Courier Mail reported.

Janeen Davidson of Beenleigh's Yoga and More Studio said that having a hot shower cooled the body to an optimum temperature and enabled a person to sleep; she also called making love the ultimate relaxation.

She said that the yoga quietens the adrenal responses and cortisol responses and it's a calm practice which brings a person's mind to rest.

Ambarissa Stone of the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga Springwood, said that yoga really has three aspects - a person's physical, mental and spiritual state.

She said that the first one is that yoga helps to ease tight muscles, increase strength mobility and balance the nervous system.

Stone asserted that it also helped mentally, saying that the mind is most often what keeps people awake at night and during yoga it helped them to deepen their breath, which in turn helped them slow down the mind.

She added that yoga also helped spiritually and true yoga practise always included an element of meditation. (ANI)

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Yoga, sex and hot shower help you have a good night sleep

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Written by simmons |

April 23rd, 2013 at 11:48 am

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