Kiwi author launches new yoga book at festival

Posted: March 19, 2013 at 1:51 pm

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Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre is excited to announce the official launch of Forty Days of Yoga - Breaking down the barriers to a home yoga practice at the second annual International Yoga Conference and Festival. Author Kara-Leah Grant is a New Zealand yoga teacher and writer, and the publisher of New Zealands online yoga magazine The Yoga Lunchbox.

"Its a coup for us to have Kara-Leah launch her book at the festival," says festival organizer Dyana Wells. "Weve got 40 international teachers and spiritual masters over four days of events at the conference. Launching a book adds another dimension for all the conference attendees."

Far more than a how-to book, Forty Days of Yoga, doesnt tell readers where to put their feet in downward dog or their hips in warrior one. Instead, Kara-Leah skillfully shares a deeper understanding of the essence of yoga while using worksheets that prompt readers to challenge the ideas that prevent them from practicing yoga daily.

"Im honoured that Kawai Purapura has invited me to launch my book at the Conference," says Kara-Leah. "What better place to launch a yoga book than at a Conference with hundreds of dedicated yoga teachers and students? It will be a wonderful opportunity to meet many of the loyal Lunchbox readers and talk to people about a home yoga practice. Thats my passion - to give people the tools and strategies they need to practice yoga at home regularly."

Kara-Leah has had a consistent and regular home yoga practice for the past eight years and has used it to heal from chronic back issues and recover from two episodes of psychosis.

"Practicing yoga made an enormous difference in my life during very difficult times. I know intimately how difficult it can be to find time to practice. Its not enough to say I want to practice yoga at home," says Kara-Leah. "You need to assess your life, observe your mind and design a strategy that supports your needs. Otherwise, yoga just becomes one more thing to do on your never-ending to-do list."

You can meet Kara-Leah on Friday 29 March at the 2nd International Yoga Conference and Festival. Set in 19 acres of native bush and with two days of family-friendly activities, Kawai Purapuras festival is a unique chance to meet teachers and other yoga practitioners, all in one place at one time.

Forty Days of Yoga - Breaking down the barriers to a home yoga practice official release date is April 1st. It will be available for sale at the Conference.

More here:
Kiwi author launches new yoga book at festival

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Written by simmons |

March 19th, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Posted in Financial

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