Naam Yoga Announces World Peace Prayer and Meditation Marathon, December 21st

Posted: December 10, 2012 at 11:43 pm

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Today Naam Yoga is launching a campaign on ( to raise awareness for a worldwide event on December 21, 2012. On December 21, 2012, Naam Yoga will host a free fourteen hour continuous World Peace Prayer and Meditation Marathon (Naamathon), which includes a live webcast, giving people worldwide unlimited access to the event, with a special appearance by Naam Yogas founder and international spiritual leader, Dr. Levry, live from Santa Monica, California, as part of the Millennium Gateway Celebration (December 19-22).

NAAM YOGAS use of special sound current, known as mantras, has a unique and powerful healing impact and when multitudes of people come together the concentrated positive energy increases exponentially.

NAAM YOGA created a mass healing impact uniting more than 15,000 people in peace, on November 25, 2012, for the worlds largest yoga super class of its kind, in Mexico City, led by, Dr. Levry.

This NAAM YOGA event coincides with the rare astronomical event, forecasted by the ancient Mayan thousands of years ago, when our Solar System completes a 26,000 year cycle and aligns itself with the galactic center of the Milky Way. We recognize the potential for a new era to be born, a new civilization anchored by love.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences states, There is data to suggest that it takes only the square root of one percent of a population to align their thinking for mass consciousness to change.1 There are currently about 7 billion people in the world, the square root of 1% of which is 8,367. 8,367 is the number of people needed to meditate and bring about a positive ripple effect that will uplift the whole world.

This Naamathon provides an opportunity to bring about true change in the world. By broadcasting, Naam Yoga seeks to expand the effects of vibrating love in unity with people around the world to bring peace and healing to our beloved planet.

NAAM YOGA Los Angeles, 501C 3, provides classes and community programs, free of charge, addressing specific health challenges.


Thursday, December 20th from 7:30-10:00pm PST:Lecture and Winter Solstice Masterclass with Dr. Levry

See the original post:
Naam Yoga Announces World Peace Prayer and Meditation Marathon, December 21st

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Written by simmons |

December 10th, 2012 at 11:43 pm

Posted in Financial

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