Six reasons you should try yoga

Posted: November 14, 2012 at 10:46 am

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13th November 2012 0 Comments

By Brittany Gatson Contributing Writer

(Special to the NNPA from The Michigan Chronicle) Besides being in, yoga is an incredibly beneficial activity for all ages and abilities. The health benefits of yoga are great, and many people are much happier as a result of their practice.

But why?

If you have never stepped onto a yoga mat, or if it has been a while since youve taken a yoga class, the following reasons why you should get with the program may inspire you to make it a priority.

1. Yoga training can help reduce muscle soreness after a strength workout

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that after a bout of eccentric training (workouts that cause muscle soreness the next day), a single bout of yoga significantly improve soreness the next day. While I know some people enjoy feeling muscle soreness the next day after a workout, some people do their best to avoid it. If you want to reduce your muscle soreness try yoga out. It may also be helpful for those who have a race or competition coming it. It is important to continue to train but soreness can hinder performance.

2. Yoga can improve posture

There are three main factors you want to consider when trying to improve posture and yoga addresses all of them. First, you need chest opening stretches to release tight muscles such as the pectorals and lats. Next you need core integration. A strong core builds the foundation for solid posture. And finally you need back strengthening exercises. Yoga will help improve all three of these resulting in much better posture.

3. Yoga reduces back pain

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Six reasons you should try yoga

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Written by simmons |

November 14th, 2012 at 10:46 am

Posted in Financial

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