Letters: yoga flap in Encinitas

Posted: October 27, 2012 at 6:48 am

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In response to Elementary yoga poses no threat to religion (Local, Oct. 22): I am saddened to read about parents upset at yoga instruction in the Encinitas school district. I practiced yoga with a wonderful lady yoga instructor many years ago when I was suffering from spinal stenosis. In time my pain was gone. It is a wonderful and ancient practice. It is intended to calm and to assist in bodily impairment. It does both.

It has nothing to do with magic or religious indoctrination. I am surprised that young California parents do not understand the physical importance and value of yoga. I am a native New Englander, and it is we whom people believe are backward. Joan Fitzgerald, Rancho Bernardo

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I am an occupational therapist in the San Diego Unified School District who utilizes yoga stretches and poses as part of my therapy sessions for bilateral coordination, balance, relaxation and strengthening. I have personally seen the benefits of yoga with special-needs children. I dont make any connections to religion or a way of life. I starting calling my yoga sessions stretching after a parent had issues with her special-needs child doing yoga. I now regret backing away and giving in.

To deny calling what I do yoga when that is what it is I feel is wrong. Its denying the origins of the practice, not respecting the creators of yoga and is encouraging intolerance and close-mindedness. Julian Fantechi, occupational therapist, San Diego Unified School District

Yoga promotes religion are you kidding me?

Some of the parents in Encinitas are pursuing legal action against their school district for providing yoga instruction to their kids. Next thing you know, people will be pulling their children from neighborhood karate classes, fearing that their Western values are being compromised by Japanese teachings with roots in philosophy and self-discipline.

Lets come together and understand that we can all learn from one another regardless of our heritage. Yoga is an activity that teaches balance, strength and flexibility. It promotes fitness as well as mental health. In my book, thats a good thing!

Please call off the attorneys and lets focus on helping our kids stay healthy. Laurie Anderson Siegel, San Diego

In response to Matthew T. Halls headline Elementary yoga poses no threat to religion I would offer this counter-headline: Religion poses no threat to elementary.

See original here:
Letters: yoga flap in Encinitas

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Written by simmons |

October 27th, 2012 at 6:48 am

Posted in Financial

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