Yoga wars and gang wars are on readers' minds

Posted: July 26, 2012 at 8:12 am

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"The Hot Yoga War," Rebecca Moss, July 19

Not Cool

Very good story on the yoga wars. It persuaded me that I should just stick to a brisk walk around Washington Park.

Julie Randall Denver

This is hysterical.

So much for yoga as a method for the contemplative, meditative seeking of wisdom and inner peace. And why did the word "cult" keep pinging my brain while reading this?

From the moment I heard about Bikram yoga, something felt not quite right about it. And now, a balding greedy guy who can give his wife an $800,000 Rolls-Royce doesn't have enough money that he can afford to let his "favorite disciple" make some serious scratch, too? Good grief.

Ellen Sweets Austin, Texas

It is very sad that Bikram Choudhury, a man trying to maintain a copyright on a style of yoga, has failed utterly to achieve one of the fundamental yogic virtues. He has yet to master Santosha the choice to live in serenity and satisfaction with all that life is.

Mark Lane Denver

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Yoga wars and gang wars are on readers' minds

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Written by simmons |

July 26th, 2012 at 8:12 am

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