After Abe’s assassination USA should know, China would do any thing to remove its major choke-point in Sri Lanka – South India region. By Hem Raj Jain…

Posted: July 14, 2022 at 1:52 am

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Due to tightening of noose on China after Ukraine war by West led by the USA, now China wouldnt mindspilling blood for protecting its vital interests (ii)- Whatever is happening in Tamil Nadu (where demand for separation from India is raised) and Sri Lanka is not mere coincidence rather China is exploiting it for removing its major choke-point (iii)-China may try alliance of Islam & Buddhism to remove its major choke-point in Sri Lanka - South India region (iv)- USA facing major strategic challenge post World War - II which will crucially influence the outcome of Cold war - II between liberal Western democracy v/s 'authoritarian Chinese democracy

-The USA should understand that as per Japanese political commentators ( ) former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated by the Chinese Communist Party (because Abe allegedly had been consistently working for tilting US-policies against illegitimate economic / trade interests of China). Hence if now China has decided to protect its perceived vital interest by going to such an extent (as allegedly is the case of Abe) then what China will not do to remove the major choke-point in Sri Lanka - South India region, is anybody's guess.

The region of Sri Lanka and South India is the major choke point for China's vital sea route / trade and India has always considered it as the main military leverage against China. Hence it does not require a genius of strategic / military affairs to understand that what huge amount of efforts & resources China will put (i)- For separating Tamil Nadu (and some parts of South India) from India and (ii)- For bringing Sri Lanka under its strategic influence by using not merely money but Buddhism too - (In both cases, even some Buddhists of India may also help China).

The Jainism and Buddhism were major religions in Tamil Nadu up to 7th century A.D and then they were replaced by Hinduism even by mass scale killings (especially of religious leaders) and destruction of religious places (as mentioned also at . Jainism is irrelevant (due to the fact that Jainism is neither the religion of majority nor the dominant institutionalized religion in any country hence Jains dont have the sanctioned coercive power of military or police under their governments) but the position of Buddhism is different. Hence one should not be surprised if Buddhism tries to come back to Tamil Nadu (and even in other parts of South India) in a major way with the support of China which would gladly support it for removing its said major choke-point in Sri Lanka - South India region.

At international level only when interests of powerful countries are involved then only wars or other developments take place which change the military & strategic scenario of the world or a region. Now when word power China is extremely interested in the Sri Lanka - South India region which has itsmajor-choke point then China will go to any length (in order to remove this choke-point by militarily separating Tamil Nadu & some other parts of South India from India ) especially when India (as per China) is working against Chinese interests through US-led QUAD.

This grave situation becomes doubly scary for India if (in the interest of removing its said choke-point) China uses willing Pakistan to simultaneously snatch at least Muslim Kashmir (if not entire J&K) militarily from India with the help of China [Pakistan is already under pressure from Islam (and from militant Jihadis who have given lot of lives and blood for Kashmir) and Pakistan itself is pining to separate Kashmir from India militarily as a revenge of 1971 when India militarily created Bangladesh]. In order to achieve their objectives not only governments of China & Pakistan but Islam in Kashmir and Buddhism in Tamil Nadu can make an alliance to simultaneously dismember India from North and South.

One need not shed tears if Hinduism is replaced by Buddhism in Tamil Nadu or in other parts of India on a considerable scale but in this age of human-rights friendly global order it should not happen through violence. Therefore the USA should ensure that instead of being complacent, the Government of India immediately addresses two issues of federalism and language so that any danger (however small that may be) of separation of Tamil Nadu from India can be eliminated effectively and quickly ( as mentioned at:- ) especially in view of:-

(i)- Disturbing political developments in Buddhist majority Sri Lanka which during LTTE (Hindus) episode has burnt its fingers with Hindu majority India hence may come under influence of China because Buddhism is the largest institutionalized religion of China) and

(ii)- LTTE episode due to which the Hindu Tamils both in Sri Lanka and India have complaints against the Government of India dominated by North Indians. USA should know, China would do any thing (even by alliance of Islam & Buddhism) to remove its major choke-point in SWhatever is happening in Tamil Nadu (where demand for separation from India is raised) and Sri Lanka is not mere coincidence rather China is exploiting it for removing its major choke-point (ii)-

USA facing major strategic challenge post World War - II which will crucially influence the outcome of Cold war - II between liberal Western democracy v/s 'authoritarian Chinese democracy.

The region of Sri Lanka and South India is the major choke point for China's vital sea route / trade and India has always considered it as the main military leverage against China. Hence it is anybodys guess what huge amount of efforts & resources China will put (i)- For separating Tamil Nadu (and some parts of South India) from India and (ii)- For bringing Sri Lanka under its strategic influence by using not merely money but Buddhism too - (In both, even some Buddhists of India may also help China).

The Jainism and Buddhism were major religions in Tamil Nadu up to 7th century A.D and then they were replaced by Hinduism even by mass scale killings (especially of religious leaders) and destruction of religious places (as mentioned also at . Jainism is irrelevant (due to the fact that Jainism is neither the religion of majority nor the dominant institutionalized religion in any country hence Jains dont have military or police under their governments) but the position of Buddhism is different. Hence one should not be surprised if Buddhism tries to come back to Tamil Nadu (and even in other parts of South India) in a major way with the support of China which would gladly support it for removing its said major choke-point in Sri Lanka - South India region.

At international level only when interests of powerful countries are involved then only wars or other developments take place which change the military & strategic scenario of the world or a region. Now when world power China is extremely interested in the Sri Lanka - South India region which has itsmajor-choke point then China will go to any length (in order to remove this choke-point by militarily separating Tamil Nadu & some other parts of South India from India ) especially when India (as per China) is working against Chinese interests through US-led QUAD.

This grave situation becomes doubly scary for India if (in the interest of removing its said choke-point) China uses willing Pakistan to simultaneously snatch at least Muslim Kashmir (if not entire J&K) militarily from India with the help of China [Pakistan is already under pressure from Islam (and from militant Jihadis who have given lot of lives and blood for Kashmir) and Pakistan itself is pining to separate Kashmir from India militarily as a revenge of 1971 when India militarily created Bangladesh]. In order to achieve their objectives not only governments of China & Pakistan but Islam in Kashmir and Buddhism in Tamil Nadu can make an alliance to simultaneously dismember India from North and South.

One need not shed tears if Hinduism is replaced by Buddhism in Tamil Nadu or in other parts of India on a considerable scale but in this age of human-rights friendly global order it should not happen through violence. Therefore the USA should ensure that instead of being complacent, the Government of India immediately addresses two issues of federalism and language so that any danger (however small that may be) of separation of Tamil Nadu from India can be eliminated effectively and quickly ( as mentioned at:- ) especially in view of:-

(i)- Disturbing political developments in Buddhist majority Sri Lanka which during LTTE (Hindus) episode has burnt its fingers with Hindu majority India hence may come under influence of China because Buddhism is the largest institutionalized religion of China) and

(ii)- LTTE episode due to which the Hindu Tamilians both in Sri Lanka and India have complaints against the Government of India dominated by North Indians

Read this article:

After Abe's assassination USA should know, China would do any thing to remove its major choke-point in Sri Lanka - South India region. By Hem Raj Jain...

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July 14th, 2022 at 1:52 am

Posted in Buddhism

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