5 Stair Climber Benefits That Are Backed By Science And Trainers – Women’s Health

Posted: August 15, 2020 at 4:47 pm

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TBH, stair climbers arent the sexiest pieces of exercise equipment on offer today; theyve been somewhat eclipsed by flashier cardio machines with a greater number of bells and whistles like folding treadmills, rowers, and exercise bikes.

But when it comes to their health and fitness benefits, these OG machines are not to be overlooked. While stair climbing might be most commonly noted for its booty-shaping benefits, its actually a better total-body strength workout than you might imagine. Plus, it's an A-plus form of cardio training, which allows you to do more for your heart health in less time than other forms of exercise might require.

For similar reasons, stair climbing is also a solid way to work toward weight loss goals. Oh, and the practice can make you a better overall athlete, too. If you dont have access to a gymor space at home for your ownthe benefits of using a proper stair climber can also be approximated (and in some ways, even improved upon!) by simply climbing steps IRL, which means that you can make do without equipmentsexy or notwhenever necessary, without skimping on results.

Not yet convinced? Keep reading to discover five specific health and fitness benefits to be reaped by taking your next workout one step (upwards) at a time.

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1 Stair climbing lights up your lower body in all the right places.

"You're able to work through a [large] range of motion at the hip and knee which can benefit your butt muscles, as well as the quadriceps, and hamstrings, says Heather Milton, CSCS, an exercise physiologist at NYU Langones Sports Performance Center.

2 Stair climbing also engages your core muscles like crazy.

Though stair climbing is famous for its booty benefits, the activity doesnt just work the lower body. As long as you stay upright and dont use your arms to support you by holding onto hand rails, Milton says your core must engage in order to keep you stabilized.

3 Its a super good cardiovascular workout.

In fact, its one of the best low-impact cardio exercises out there. Some studies show that stair climbing significantly improves your VO2 Max, or the volume of oxygen your body can use while exercising.

That said, there are significant differences between the heart health benefits of a stair climber and those of a Stairmaster a.k.a. stepmill where the stairs actually move and you climb continuously, says Milton. The benefits of the [stepmill] are much greater than that of the stair climber where you have your feet on the same pedal throughout, and just lift your legs up and press down against the pedal, she says. The [stepmill] is more like climbing actual stairsthis requires the majority of your hip and leg muscles, thus providing a greater heart rate response.

4 It's easy on the joints.

When compared to other cardio exercises such as running, HIIT, or jump training, stair climbing is considered to be relatively low-impact. This means that it does not exert as much force on your ankles, knees, and hips, which can help them stay healthy over time. This also means it can be a great option for those who are older or recovering from injury.

5 It benefits your bones, too.

Even though stair climbing is low impact, says Milton, it is still a weight-bearing exercise (unlike, say, swimming), which means you reap the benefit of supporting healthy bone density. In other words, stair climbing can help your bones stay strong without applying an excessive amount of pressure on them, your joints, or your connective tissue.

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5 Stair Climber Benefits That Are Backed By Science And Trainers - Women's Health

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Written by admin |

August 15th, 2020 at 4:47 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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