MBTI Of Every Batman In Film & Television | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources
Posted: June 22, 2020 at 2:44 pm
Batman has been portrayed on screen in a number of different ways. Each one has a unique personality that fits on the MBTI.
Along with Superman, Batman is the most popular superhero in Hollywood and has had way too many actors and iterations that each and every one of them have become completely different from the other. Some Batmen are more logical and cold while others are more altruistic and impulsive.
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These different Batmen all have different personality types, for that matter, and approach and interact with their worlds differently. There is no "ultimate" Batman at the moment but certain personality types that each of Batman's actors have given everyone a clear picture of what the Dark Knight should be. Here's how different yet similar each Batman is based on MBTI.
Will Friedle's Batman might not be the original, but his is just as worthy. He voices Terry McGinnis, the DCAU successor for Bruce Wayne's Batman inBatman Beyond. Terry, however, lacks the original DCAU Batman's sophistication and sharpness.
In fact, he's closer in behavior to one of the Robins. terry is brash, more careless, and a lot less calculating than Bruce Wayne. He prefers short-term tactics to long-term strategies in combat. There's also the fact that he's the adventurous type-- taking up the Batman mantle without much fuss. That very well makes him an ISFP.
Batman: The Brave and the Boldis one of the lesser serious and lighter takes on the Caped Crusader's misadventures and focuses on Batman's World's Greatest Detective side. He's voiced by Diedrich Bader here and he's a lot less brooding.
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Well, at least compared to the other Batmen. He's also more extroverted here and takes on the leadership role often, especially with other superheroes in tow. Hence, this Batman easily passes off as an ENFJ personality type or someone who embodies the "protagonist" archetype, this Batman can give Superman a run for his money when it comes to being a role model.
Will Arnett is one of the latest voice actors to give us a compellingBatman performance inThe Lego Batman Movie.It's more of a parodical version of the Dark Knight where his superiority complex and brooding is cranked up to 11 hilariously.
Those behaviors are all hallmarks of an INTJ one of the rarest strategic thinker personality types to exist in MBTI-- something that fits Batman really well. One of the negative qualities of a stereotypical INTJ is also being socially inept and edgy and Will Arnett's Batman has no qualms on letting this side of the character loose.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s, one wouldn't dare call Batman "The Dark Knight" given how campy and seemingly harmless he was. It was all thanks to Adam West's classical portrayal of the character in the oldBatmantelevision show.
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It was more of a comedy than action where Batman and Robin are more like father and son bonding by choosing to fight crime. Adam West's Batman is peculiar as far as Batmen go as he's an ISFJ or the stereotypical defender-- someone who's both analytical and sensitive at the same time.
George Clooney's Batman, for lack of a better word, is the leastacceptable in live action. Not only was he not brooding but he was also quite extroverted. In fact, one probably can't discern between Bruce Wayne and Batman in1997's Batman & Robinas possess the same level of energy.
Clooney's Batman is the kind who would say"hi, Freeze. I'm Batman," in case people forgot who he actually was. The amount of jokes he cracks and how much he accepts socialization from Batgirl and Robin makes him an extroverted ESFJ, someone extremely popular and enjoys attention but is also always eager to help.
Val Kilmer is one of the more decent live-action Batmen around considering he had big shoes to fill after Michael Keaton's eccentric performance. He's introverted enough and secretive-- even when it comes to Robin (though not to a certain woman, it seems).
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Kilmer's Batman, which appeared in 1995'sBatman Forever, embodies the caped crusader well-- taking in Robin and advocating his own brand of justice while appearing to enjoy it. That very well makes him an INFJ, quiet, mystical, but an unrelenting idealist.
Being the second Batman to appear successfully in film, Michael Keaton redefined the Dark Knight and made him a darker and more tortured version of himself. Part of the success in his iteration of Batman is thanks to Tim Burton's vision.
As for what kind of Batman he is, it's a tough call but seeing as he likes for people to take notice of his work but still likes to do it alone, Keaton's Caped Crusader can be an ISFJ. This is the "defender" stereotype, one who won't say no to work and is a true altruist.
When talking about Ben Affleck's Batman, it's best to refer to theBatman V Supermanversion as Joss Whedon seems to have butchered the character inJustice League.Now, that Batman is the darkest in all of cinema history so far. He has no qualms on being overkill with violence nor killing people, Superman included.
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He's also incredibly antisocial and does his work best alone, even managing to defeat Superman by being as strategic and tactical as he can be. These are clear indications of an INTJ or the "mastermind" or "architect" personality type. Some of this carries over to hisJustice Leagueversion, thankfully.
Out of all the live-actionBatmanfilms, none has showcased Batman's use of gadgetry and technology than theDark Knighttrilogy. We have Christopher Nolan to thank for that and for making Christian Bale's Batman a master mechanic-- making a safer Batcave and even tinkering with an experimental Hummer for his Batmobile.
These are all clear traits of an ISTP or the "craftsman" or "virtuoso" personality. It's not just through inventions that Bale's Batman demonstrates this personality but also in his upbringing where he was easily able to learn from any immediate environment he's in, be it Gotham or Hongkong. This is a strong quality for an ISTP.
Finally, we arrive what a lot of fans consider as the most definitive Batman ever-- Kevin Conroy's. He provided the voice and the pitch for theBatman: The Animated Seriesbut Conroy has been doing Batman for so long that he has his own idea of what the Dark Knight should sound like.
To him, Batman is cold, calculating, extremely introverted, dislikes rules, focuses on self-improvement, and has unlimited contingency plans and willpower-- all famed attributes of an INTJ. Thanks to Kevin Conroy's Batman, it's to reimagine a more interesting or definitive take on the Dark Knight.
NEXT:Batman: 5 Mysteries That Paid Off Well (& 5 That Didn't)
Next MCU: 10 Scenes Iron Man Roasted Captain America
MBTI Of Every Batman In Film & Television | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources
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