Online Hunter Education temporarily waives field day, allowing certification to continue uninterrupted – Twin Falls Times-News

Posted: March 19, 2020 at 1:50 pm

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BOISE In response to updated COVID-19 guidance from Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for public events, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has temporarily waived the requirement to attend an in-person field day for online hunter education certification.

The temporary waiver allows students who complete the online course the ability to gain certification and purchase a hunting license. The cost of the online course is $24.50 and can be taken at Classes are available to anyone nine years or older.

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The public safety of our instructors, staff, and students are our primary concerns," Fish and Games Hunter Education Manager Brenda Beckley said. We have seen an increased interest in our hunter education classes, and want to maintain a path for the public to gain certification. By temporarily waiving the in-person field day, we can follow health recommendations for social distancing while still providing necessary instruction and certification.

While many states across the nation have allowed for online certification, Idaho has maintained an in-person requirement to review Idaho-specific topics such as local regulations, specie identification, and gun safety.

While we recognize the value of the firearm safety information provided in the online course, we are encouraging students to seek out a mentor to reinforce safe firearm handling and hunting safety,Beckley said.

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Online Hunter Education temporarily waives field day, allowing certification to continue uninterrupted - Twin Falls Times-News

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Written by admin |

March 19th, 2020 at 1:50 pm

Posted in Online Education

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