Activating Your Real Potential! – Thrive Global

Posted: January 11, 2020 at 5:41 am

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It is always an honour and a privilege when previously showcasedguests who have appeared on the Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald internationally heard radio/podcast show, wish to be re-interviewed particularly when their momentous growth is fierce and steadfast! I love talking to the spitfires, who have new and exciting updates in which to discuss and to generously share with my loyal global listeners, and the podcast subscribers!

Jim Britt a person who I very much admire and respect, was my first guest of this brand new decade. It was important to me to set a strong tone on my platforms right out of the 2020 gate! Jim and business partner Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank (also interviewed on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald) are jointly two of my radio/podcast sponsors, who are consistently supportive of me personally, with my brand professionally, and with my overall contributions to the shared space.

I feel very akin to Jim both personally and professionally, and so, any additional opportunity that I too, can publicly reiterate my immense gratitude for the ways in which Jim (and Kevin) have continued to pay it forward and have been of service to not only to me, but to countless others, I actively jump on it by seizing the moment!

Similar to our first initial interview, and not at all surprising to me Jim brought his dynamic energies, and nuggets of inspirational wisdom to the airwaves for our second go-around on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald! I am in awe of the ongoing and newfound wheelhouses, Jim continues to immerse himself in with respect to projects, endeavours and concentrated areas of focus and sheer dedication! Jims time management skills in which to effectively juggle it all is spell-bounding to me. I touched upon that more than once in our fast paced, chalk-filled discussion, which can be heard in the enclosed podcast link!

Jims world renowned reputation is indicative of his longstanding commitment to excellence. For one to have successfully honed and mastered decades of genuine buy-in from clients, peers, colleagues, audiences, purchasers, and studentsthis can only speak to the conscientious application of methods consistently demonstrated by Jim, and for how it is reflective of his grasp and handle on ingenuity, vision, integrity, service delivery, and relatability. Clearly, Jim has a firm pulse and a genuine read not only on people overall, but also with respect to his intuitiveability to glean the trends and patterns of the marketplace. Jim has a remarkable knack for staying ahead of the curve for what people want and what people need thus responding and delivering accordingly. He is so on top of it, which makes following himMesmerizing!

I am exceptionally grateful to Jim once again for graciously bringing me into the fold with his joint venture book series, Cracking The Rich Code with Kevin Harrington, also endorsed by the one and only Tony Robbins! It has been an exciting collaborative partnership as one might imagine! I take nothing lightly or for granted when it comes to others like Jim, who are generously affording me additional opportunities in which to equally shine and grow yet another stellar example of Jim paving the way for all of us! Leadership at its finest!

On behalf of both Jim and myself, we wish to thank you for kindly taking time out of your hectic schedules so as to read this Feature Article, in addition to kindly tuning into the enclosed podcast link, and also for any forthcoming contact or connection you may wish to initiate or extend to either or to both of us. We equally value the growth and development of the overall collective. It would be our mutual honour to assist, support and encourage you, in any way you deem it to be a good synergistic fit!

Thank you once again, Jim, for the generous gift of your time and for once again bring your A-Game to Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald. The global listeners, podcast subscribers and I very much appreciate you our friend! Keep Shining!

Uplifting You To Fear Less And To Live More!

Be your own Hero. Be your own Shero. Be your own Leader. Be your own Best Friend! Love & Gratitude ~Lisa #Grateful #ThriveThursday #ThriveGlobal #LivingFearlessly

Who is Jim Britt?

Jim Brittis an internationally recognized leader and highly sought after speaker in the field of peak performance andpersonal empowerment training. He is author of 13 best-selling books including,Cracking the Rich Code, The Power of Letting Go, Freedom, Unleashing Your Authentic Power, Do This. Get Rich-For Entrepreneurs, to name a few.

Jimhas presented seminars throughout the world sharing his success principles for entrepreneurs and life enhancing realizations with thousands of audiences, totaling over 1,500,000 people from all walks of life.

As an entrepreneur Jim has started 28 successful business ventures. He has served as a success counselor to over 300 corporations worldwide. He was recently named as one of the worlds top 50 speakers and top20 success coaches. Early in Jims speaking career he was Business partner with the late Jim Rohn for 8 years, where Tony Robbins worked under Jims direction for his first few years in the speaking business.

In addition to Jims speaking schedule, he is currently working on a business venture with Kevin Harrington from the TV show Shark Tank on a collaborative book series and PR, Marketing, Branding and lead generation strategy for entrepreneurs, titled: Cracking the Rich Code.

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Activating Your Real Potential! - Thrive Global

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Written by admin |

January 11th, 2020 at 5:41 am

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