Reasons to Revive Your Healthy Resolutions Today – POPSUGAR Health and Fitness Australia

Posted: September 4, 2017 at 4:42 am

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So you yep, you! cancelled your resolutions for 2017.

Whether you deleted them back in March, when no one was really looking, or you almost made it through Winter but the cold weather got the better of your willpower, we're here to tell you that you absolutely can still smash your healthy new year resolutions . . . and now three months out from Summer is the perfect time.

Here's why:

No need to wait until January 2018 to come up with similar resolutions to the ones you didn't finish this year. If you start now you'll be four months into your new healthier way of life.

Think way back to when (and why) you created your goals. Was after a few weeks of over-indulging? Or was it because you desperately needed a lifestyle change? Whatever the reason, remember the catalyst for the decision and let that be your motivator.

Sure, you ignored your resolution for most of the year but it's still there in that part of the brain where you keep all those other things you know you really should do (like your tax and visiting your grandmother more). Pick it back up and refocus on getting back on track even if it's been six months since.

Okay, not the very first but you'll definitely join a select group of people who see their resolutions through each year. Studies have shown that nine percent of people who make resolutions stick to them, be part of the nine percent.

If you need a little push, or you're not sure how to truly nail healthy eating, your fuss-free guide awaits you. So ditch the excuses and revive/refresh/resuscitate/rejuvenate/rescue (and all the other "R" words) your resolutions this week.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Diggy Lloyd

Original post:
Reasons to Revive Your Healthy Resolutions Today - POPSUGAR Health and Fitness Australia

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Written by grays |

September 4th, 2017 at 4:42 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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