Travis Lemon: Common meditation excuses and how to work through them – Huntington Herald Dispatch

Posted: August 27, 2017 at 4:45 am

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The daily practice of meditation has been shown to have a multitude of benefits, but for some people, the idea of setting aside some mindful time can present challenges. For many, just keeping up with a meditation practice is difficult, but some find reasons to not even give meditation a try.

n I don't have time. The most common reason people find it hard to meditate is lack of time. Sure, the longer we meditate, the more we notice the benefits of mindfulness, but even short meditations count. Shoot for 10 minutes, but even just taking a minute to focus on our breath can be very beneficial. Over time, you may find yourself naturally increasing the length of your meditation.

n I can't stop my mind. The most common misconception about meditation is that you have to stop your thoughts. Not true. We can't stop our thoughts, but we can watch them. Over time, we can switch our awareness away from thoughts, toward other sensations happening in the body. If we get pulled back to our thoughts, that is OK. Just notice it and bring your awareness back to the breath or other object of meditation.

n I am not Buddhist. The first thing that usually comes to mind when we think about meditation is a robed monk in a temple, but anyone of any faith can meditate. Sure, it can seem like a religious experience from the outside, but meditation is really just a brain-training exercise. Many religions have their own versions of meditative practices like Christian contemplation and Jewish Hisbonenus.

n I can't sit like that. No need to sit a certain way. Grab a chair or sit on the couch. The main reason for sitting in lotus position is to not fall asleep, so sit any way that you want as long as it doesn't make you feel sleepy. If you do get sleepy, try practicing standing or walking meditation to wake you up.

A daily meditation practice can be a great way to reduce stress, promote focus and experience many other benefits, so don't let these excuses talk you out of giving it a try.

Travis Lemon is a certified herbalist at Healthy Life Market natural health and wellness industry for more than 12 years. He can be contacted at .

Read the original here:

Travis Lemon: Common meditation excuses and how to work through them - Huntington Herald Dispatch

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Written by grays |

August 27th, 2017 at 4:45 am

Posted in Meditation

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