Chef’s Choice: ‘Real’ food an exciting trend for owner of Fire It Up fusion tacos – Chicago Tribune

Posted: June 29, 2017 at 6:43 am

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In Chef's Choice, the Naperville Sun asks local chefs to share their culinary background and experiences and talk about a featured dish found on their menu.

This week, we speak with Rick Van Buren, 49, who co-owns Fire It Up Taco Fusion Grill with his wife Julie. The restaurant's taco feature organic ingredients in unique combinations.

Van Buren has a finance degree, but started working in restaurants while in college and has a wide variety of experience, including stints at the Cubby Bear in Chicago, Bar Louie and private golf courses. He operated a food truck business from 2011 to 2013, which he sold to open his first brick-and-mortar location in Wheaton. The Naperville restaurant at 1523 N. Aurora Road opened in 2016.

Question: Where does the name, "Fire It Up," come from?

Van Buren: The name came from the food truck. When we first bought it, I'd say we need to fire it up to see what's wrong with it. My wife, being the marketing guru she is, said we should call it that.

Q: Actually food trucks are pretty popular. Why did you decide to do a regular restaurant location instead?

Van Buren: Because we live in Illinois and the truck thing is a very seasonal business. Even though it's winter, the kids have to eat.

Q: Has your experience been mostly fast food or has there been fine dining as well?

Van Buren: As far as my experience, it's been more to the full-service casual dining side of things.

David Sharos / Naperville Sun

The Asian tacos served at Naperville's Fire It Up include a homemade citrus slaw, braised pork and a spicy/sweet Asian sauce.

The Asian tacos served at Naperville's Fire It Up include a homemade citrus slaw, braised pork and a spicy/sweet Asian sauce. (David Sharos / Naperville Sun)

Q: What food trend would you say is most exciting right now?

Van Buren: I think the food business in general has people getting back to real food vs. stuff in a bag. I think having people getting back to real food is exciting. We're doing what we're doing because we felt it was the right thing to do.

Q: Where did the taco idea come from?

Van Buren: (The idea was) to keep it affordable. (If) you're buying organic food and if you're doing an organic burger, you're going to have to charge $16 for it. That doesn't seem affordable.

Q: What's the biggest change when you go from a food truck to a restaurant, besides the space?

Van Buren: Staffing that's a challenge across the industry. There aren't as many people in the market.

Q: What's the most amazing thing you've ever eaten?

Van Buren: That's really tough. There are so many things I've tried that I've liked.

Q: How about this: if you could only eat one type of cuisine the rest of your life, what would it be?

Van Buren: It would have to be Italian because there are so many options between the meats and the pastas and the things that could come together.

Q: Most people's palates change over time. What's something you enjoy eating now that you wouldn't touch as a kid?

Van Buren: As a kid, I couldn't stand cucumbers but now I love them. I wouldn't touch something like sushi either and now I love it.

Q: What's a go-to dinner at the Van Buren house?

Van Buren: Believe it or not, it's still tacos. We are always trying new recipes at home.

Q: Who out there in television or magazines has been an influence for you? Do you follow Rick Bayless, for example?

Van Buren: Not really. Maybe someone like Guy Fieri, who find these places on "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives."

Q: Describe for us the dish you're featuring today

Van Buren: This is a new Asian taco we're featuring, with a homemade citrus slaw on the bottom, braised pork that goes on and a fresh ginger, soy, garlic-based Asian sauce that is sweet and spicy, and some house made pickled red onions. We serve it with our tri-colored quinoa.

David Sharos is a freelance reporter for the Naperville Sun.

See the original post:

Chef's Choice: 'Real' food an exciting trend for owner of Fire It Up fusion tacos - Chicago Tribune

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Written by grays |

June 29th, 2017 at 6:43 am

Posted in Organic Food

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