Organic and Chemical-Free Foods-Overview – WebMD

Posted: June 19, 2017 at 10:42 am

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What is organic food?

Food that is labeled "organic" has been grown or raised without synthetic chemical fertilizers, pest killers (pesticides), weed killers (herbicides), hormones, or drugs. Synthetic means that they are made in a lab.

This means that farmers and ranchers who grow organic food:

Some countries, including the United States, have rules that govern when a farmer or rancher may use the organic label. Before a grower can use that label, a government inspector goes to the farm to make sure that the rules are being followed.

Don't assume that food labeled "natural," "sustainable," "hormone-free," or "free-range" is organic. Look for the USDA organic seal .

You may have these questions about organic food:

Food grown with pesticides can have small amounts of pesticide left on the food when it gets to the store.

If you are concerned about pesticides on your food, here are some steps you can take:2

WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise

Read more from the original source:

Organic and Chemical-Free Foods-Overview - WebMD

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Written by simmons |

June 19th, 2017 at 10:42 am

Posted in Organic Food

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