The Eagles Is My Zen Music – Huffington Post

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 4:52 am

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Bill Flanigin Bill is a writer, teacher, speaker, and a pretty decent guy for the most part. Loving life in Denton, Tx. This post is hosted on the Huffington Post's Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.

People have been relaxing with the help of music for thousands of years. Music has fed our souls, linked our brains to our emotions, and milked our creative juices in a way that no singular outlet can match.

For many, music is a part of our daily lives, just like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For some, that is not the case. Busy work schedules, parenting, and for some, even talk radio, has squeezed the music vitamin out of our daily allowance of nutrition. Maybe its time to reconnect?

When we think of meditation music, we usually think of naturescapes, classical, or maybe even religious chants. Thats not for me, sorry. But, if I need to lower my blood pressure, I listen to the Eagles.

A while back, I woke up to the unpleasant surprise of dog vomit by my bed. After I sopped up that mess, I hit my morning shower. My shower head then decided it wasnt going to deliver much water. While messing with the knobs and nozzle, I bent over and cracked my head on some bathroom tile. I saw stars. My day was starting off poorly. My wife heard me deliver, to this day, the longest string of cuss words I have ever uttered. I toweled off in the foulest of moods, irritated beyond description.

While I was finishing my morning routine, and yes I believe I nicked myself shaving, my wife turned on the music channels through our bedroom television, classic rock. At that moment, Take it Easy and its cool vibes and melody filled the room. The song washed over me. Without even thinking about it, I started singing right along with the music. In my mind, it was as if I was the one stranded on that corner in Winslow, Arizona. I was singing and smiling, and my wife started laughing. Never had someone gone from wanting to punch a wall to joyous chorus so quickly. Tell me music doesnt affect the body.That moment stuck with me.

Perhaps it was the combination of the music itself, or the great place that song transported me, but that song snapped me out of a very cranky disposition. Whatever happened, it was real. And powerful. I had discovered my Zen music.

It was a valuable lesson. Turn on the Eagles, chill, and Id be better for it afterwards. Isnt that what Zen music is supposed to do? So Ill listen to the Eagles, preferably on 8-track because my 1978 Camaro had an 8-track tape player in it, when I feel like it. And sometimes when I need it. Heres hoping you find your Zen music and do the same. Until next time, take it easy. (Sorry, I couldnt resist.)

Here is the original post:

The Eagles Is My Zen Music - Huffington Post

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Written by grays |

February 14th, 2017 at 4:52 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

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