Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte

Posted: September 7, 2016 at 5:47 pm

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"Each of us has a genuine capacity for love,forgiveness, wisdom and compassion. Meditation awakens these qualitiesso that we can discoverfor ourselves the unique happiness that is our birthright. ~ Sharon Salzberg

We alsostudy and practice Mindfulness with the intention of integrating wisdom and manifesting compassion in all aspects of our lives.

Although based on the 2,500 year-old teachings of the Buddha, Insight Meditation is relevant in our current challenging times as a means for quieting the mind, trusting the heart and living with ease.

Teachings and meditations are offered freely. In the Buddhist tradition, teachings are considered so precious as to be priceless. Dana is the ancient Pali word for generosity arising effortlessly from deep gratitude. The generosity of your donations, your dana, to offset expenses, is greatly appreciated.

TWO WEEKLY PRACTICE OPPORTUNITIES Wednesday Evenings We meet every Wednesday evening at 7 PM. There is an instruction periodfrom 7-7:30 PM, then a 30-minute silentinsight meditation followed by a dharma talk and discussion. Appropriate for all levels of experience.

Tuesday MiddayWe also meet Tuesdays from noon to 1:00. The Tuesday format will includes a brief instruction period, a thirty-minute period of silent meditation, and a brief period of questions and answers.

Inclement weather policy:We follow the cancellation decisions of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Please check the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools website to see if school has been canceled. If inclement weather is expected in the evening after regular school hours, check to see if school or school events are closed for either that evening or the next day. If so, we will also be closed that evening. Always useyour best judgment concerningdriving in inclement weather. Ifwe are closed or you decide not to come, pleaseconsider meditating at homefrom 7:30-8 PM.

Mission Statement The Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte is dedicated to the practice of Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation. As reflected in the Theravada Buddhist teachings, it is intended to be a place where a diverse group of people, who seek freedom of heart and mind, can come together to foster mindfulness, sympathetic joy, equanimity and compassion. We practice and study with the intention of integrating and manifesting wisdomand compassion in all aspects of our lives.

In the fall of 2009, Joy LiBethe, a Charlotte psychologist, created an insight meditation sangha in Charlotte, recognizing the importance of meditating with a community. Starting as a small group meditating together, the Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte (IMC Charlotte)has growninto a large, vibrant community. The group is an educational (rather than religious) non-profit organization devoted to the study and practice of the Buddhas liberating teachings. We welcome individuals of all (or no) religious traditions who share an interest in the practice of insight (vipassana) meditation. We offer weekly Dharma talks, study series (such as the Noble Eightfold Path), retreats, service events, book discussions, movie nights, a monthly newsletter, and social gatherings. We have hosted speaking guests including Sharon Salzberg, Phillip Moffitt, David Chernikoff, and a group of Tibetan monks traveling in the US. Events are either free or include modest suggested facility fees. No one is turned away. As is customary, voluntary dana (donation) for the Dharma Leader(s) is appreciated.

IMCC Community Service Events

As a sangha, IMCC practices the principle of generosity through service events as a way of giving to the local community. In the past, we have helped build fences for the Unchained Dogs organization, served dinner at Doves Nest a substance abuse facility for women, sorted grocery items at Second Harvest Food Bank, and cooked dinner for guests at Hospitality House where family members of hospital patients can stay. These events also help build friendships and relationships between sangha members. Plus, we always have fun doing them!

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Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte

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Written by admin |

September 7th, 2016 at 5:47 pm

Posted in Meditation

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