What is the point of fasting? (Part 1)

Posted: July 2, 2014 at 1:48 am

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Before I proceed with my article, I would like to wish Muslims around the world a blessed and rewarding Ramadan, Muslims holy month of fasting and spirituality. Ramadan motivates us to do many preferred worships that bring us closer to our Sustainer, Who promises to multiply the rewards of each good deed performed during this sacred month. Muslims welcome this month to purify their spirits from worldly clutter, greed, egoism, and lust. They look forward to this given opportunity and rush to perform good deeds (charity work, feeding the hungry, assist the needy, additional night prayers) in order to have their rewards doubled. Fasting in Ramadan is not meant to abstain from food and drink only, but also to renounce sensual desires, lying, badmouthing, cheating, gossiping, defrauding, exploiting the underprivileged, and all evil actions. Not only that, it encourages to feed the hungry; assist the needy; give financial assistance, alms, charity, and zakat (tax money imposed on the rich to be given to the poor only and those who fit the zakat criteria according to the Holy Quran); extend a helping hand; say a good word; visit relatives, in-laws, and neighbors; exchange niceties and gifts to strengthen relationships; and perform other honorable and productive deeds. Each one does what he or she can afford or is capable of in order to be useful to his or her community and society as a whole. Ramadan teaches us to be ethical and honest and become law-abiding citizens all the time. In this holy month, there are certain desirable worships, which benefit us in this world and in the Thereafter. Most worshipping acts (prayers, charity, zakat, community help) are done to purify us and benefit us. But, God, Allah Almighty says to us through His Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH): All deeds [worshipping acts] of Adams son [a human being] are for himself, except for fasting, it is for Me and I choose the reward [for it]; and fasting is protective (cited by Bukhari and Muslim). We do all that is asked of us in order to please Him, but the reward comes back to us. As for fasting, it is for none, but Him The One and only One. However, there is an unknown benefit to fasting that has not been discovered until very recently by modern science, even though the Prophet (PBUH) told us about it over 1430 years ago: Fast and you will be healthy. Yes, fasting comes with health gains by giving us energy, mental clarity, improved memory, enhanced immunity, weight and fat loss, spirituality, and extended lifespans, which are not achievable with overconsumption, excess weight, obesity, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Let us see how it works on the body and why. A very recent research published in June 4, 2014 (among many before) suggested that depriving the body of food jump-starts stem cells to generate the production of white blood cells, which defend the body from pathogens. A three-day fast can reset the immune mechanism and rejuvenate it. This includes older patients immune systems. The scientists described the breakthrough as remarkable. Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) believe this finding is particularly good for patients with damaged immune systems especially by chemotherapy. They discovered that fasting revives a mechanism that flips a regenerative switch, triggering stem cells to produce protective and disease-fighting white blood cells. The implication of the research is that food abstinence was found to rejuvenate the immune systems of the debilitated and the aging. According to Valter Longo, professor of gerontology (study of older people) and biological sciences at USC, If you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles [three days] can generate, literally, a new immune system. In trials, every cycle of extended fasts (two to four days) created changes in the body, which activated stem cells to rebuild immune cells. Food abstinence also reverses the harms of toxicity and damage caused by chemotherapy to the immune system and the body. Over a period of six months, volunteers who practiced this system of fasting achieved another bonus, which is a decrease in the enzyme PKA, which speeds aging and increases a hormone that elevates the possibility of cancer and tumors. The good news Longo says, When you starve, the system tried to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged. With fasting, white blood cell count drops, but picks up again with re-feeding. Fasting cycles also reduce the toxicity effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients, according to co-author Tanya Dorff, assistant professor of clinical medicine at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital. The good news, Longo says, is that There is no evidence at all that fasting would be dangerous while there is strong evidence that it is beneficial. In other studies on aging published in scientific journals, patients, who fasted and proceeded with chemotherapy, minimized the side effects of the treatment, increased their survival rate, and reduced tumor growth and spreading. According to a National Institute on Aging study, as an effect of fasting, free radical molecules get damaged. Fasting also causes the breakdown of the DNA of cancer cells and makes the cancer cell commit suicide, apoptosis. It appears that fasting jumpstarts the immune cells to come to the defense of the body and make it heal. But, such fasts should be supervised by the treating physician. And remember, we are talking about fasting and not starving, the way young people do to reduce weight, which can be dangerous and fatal. Earlier studies showed other health benefits to fasting. These were decreases in inflammation, cholesterol, and lipoprotein lipid (LDL) levels, disorders associated with cardiovascular disorders. One day fasting in studies has shown to boost the human growth hormone, which increases the metabolic rate to burn body fat. This includes clearing the arteries of plaque and cholesterol buildup and cutting the risk of heart disease and attacks as well as incidents of stroke. To sum up, fasting cycles of extended periods of 2 to 4 days make the body burn excess fat, glucose, and ketones (chemicals resulting from broken down fats) and recycles damaged white blood cells and other cells. Recycling renews the cells, thus regenerating the immune system and rejuvenating the body. It seems scientific research is confirming what the Prophet (PBUH), many religions, and ancient cultures recommended and practiced. If fastings only benefit is reducing body fat and obesity, it would be enough to make it one of the healthiest lifestyle practices. One article about fasting does not do it justice. I will continue next week with the other health benefits of fasting, which result from Ramadan fasting and praying, when performed properly. Let us do that to achieve all these health gains. I will walk you through the steps of fasting.

References: Fasting for three days renews entire immune system, protects cancer patients, remarkable new study finds, by Sarah Knapton, The Daily Telegraph, National Post Wires Services Science Discover that Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer by Arjun Walia N.B.: Individuals with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural. The previous Health Solutions articles are located at www. arabnews.com Email: [emailprotected]

What is the point of fasting? (Part 1)

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Written by grays |

July 2nd, 2014 at 1:48 am

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