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Posted: January 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm

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Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)-Steps And Benefits

Pronunciation soor-yah beh-DAH-na) Surya Bhedana Pranayama or Surya Bheda Pranayama is very effective and most important pranayam which is mentioned in Hatha yog Pradipika. The meaning of Surya is Sun and the meaning of the word Bhedana is piercing, enter or breaking through something. In term of yoga Right nadi (right nostril) is called[]

The meaning of word Sheetali is cooling down, that process which can cool down our body and feeling of coldness. The word Shitali is originally taken from the word Sheetal which means cold or soothing. The daily practice of Sheetali Pranayama can calm the mind along with body. In Ancient text Hatha yoga Pradipika Sheetali[]

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama are the two distinctive gifts to people for maintaining healthy life by natural manner. They enforce not solely physical well being however additionally mental well being. In Shitali pranayama and Sheetkari pranayama we breathe through mouth. These are same like a Pythons breathing. Python, hens, kids of deer takes a[]

Pronunciation: (nah-dee show-DAH-nah)or the sweet breath. Nadi= channel, gateway or path. Shodhana= cleaning or purifying. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) is an easy style of alternate Nadi respiration; and appropriate for starting and advanced students. It is also named as sweet breath Nadi suggests that channel and refers to the energy pathways through[]

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It is not a disease in itself, but it leads to an increased risk of developing some other serious conditions later in life such as heart failure, heart attack and stroke. Earlier Hypertension was relatively an uncommon condition. Today, high line pressure or hypertension has become[]

SANSKRIT NAME : VAKRASANA ENGLISH NAME : HALF SPINAL TWIST POSTURE OR TWIST POSTURE Vakrasana is simplified form of Ardhamatsyendrasana. The Sanskrit name of both the postures differs whereas the English name remain same. At some places the Ardhamatsyendrasana is named as half spinal twist posture and Vakrasana is simply named as twist posture[]

SANSKRIT NAME: KATI CHAKRASANA ENGLISH NAME: STANDING SPINAL TWIST The Kati Chakrasana literally means rotation of the waist. The literal meaning goes as follows: Kati = waist Chakra = wheel or circular roatation Asana = posture or pose In this posture you need to twist your waist on both the sides. It gives a nice[]

SANSKRIT NAME: SHASHANKASANA ENGLISH NAME: THE RABIT POSE Shashankasana or the Rabbit pose is so called as the asana resembles a Rabbit in the final position. There are many benefits of this asana including relaxation, relieving of depression and many more. Age or flexibility is one of the barriers to perform or practice asana but[]

SANSKRIT NAME:ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA ENGLISH NAME: HALF SPINAL TWIST POSE Matsyendranath supposedly practiced this asana (posture) and hence this asana is named after him. The simplified version of this is Vakrasana which is described separately. Technique of Ardha Matsyendrasana: Keep the right foot by the side of the left buttock. Keep the left leg[]

SANKSRIT NAME: ARDHA HALASANA ENGLISH NAME: HALF PLOUGH POSE Ardha literally means half and Hala means plough. It is an intermediate posture to perform Halasana hence it is named as Ardha Halasana. Technique of Ardha Halasana: Lie down in Shavasana (supine position). Join the both legs and keep your hand with the thighs. Slowly breathe[]

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January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Yoga

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