Self-awareness | Define Self-awareness at

Posted: October 27, 2015 at 7:45 am

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Contemporary Examples

Certain sentences and paragraphs capture a self-awareness that is more insightful than obnoxious or narcissistic.

There is some self-awareness over what they are doing, said Brooks.

But with self-awareness comes self-protection and a little paranoia.

It requires a huge degree of self-belief, a considerable lack of self-awareness, and a touch of delusion.

The women seem at once to have no self-awareness and to be hyperconscious of the way they will be portrayed.

Historical Examples

In the enormous evening only a little shiver of self-awareness was left to her.

After all, it's just a question of increasing their self-awareness.

His extraordinary self-estimate and self-awareness are equally noticeable.

The test of a civilized person is first self-awareness, and then depth after depth of sincerity in self-confrontation.

Early words are a record of the self-awareness of the human, denoting body parts and elementary actions.

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self-awareness n. Realization of oneself as an individual entity or personality.

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Self-awareness | Define Self-awareness at

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Written by admin |

October 27th, 2015 at 7:45 am

Posted in Self-Awareness

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