John Spencer Ellis America’s #1 Fitness Business Expert …

Posted: September 25, 2015 at 6:46 am

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Listen and watch this in-depth, gritty interview with Jesse Elder and John Spencer Ellis.

Concrete Loyalty: 4 Ways to Make Your Fitness and Coaching Clients Love You Forever One of the greatest challenges that we face in the fitness and coaching business is client retention, and this is largely the case because our clients needs will often change from season to season. Its also one of the primary reasons []

Personal branding is a somewhat ambiguous phrase that gets tossed around a lot by business coaches, marketers, and branding experts. But what does branding really mean, anyway, and how can you use it to score more clients and set yourself apart from other coaches? The first thing to understand is that branding is not marketing. []

As a coach, trainer, or wellness entrepreneur, you need a strong online presence to connect with prospective clients, win new business, and increase your brands visibility on both a local and global scale. That means you need to spend thousands of dollars per month on expensive SEO services, right? Not necessarily.

Being a good boss means hiring talented people and getting out of their way. ~ Tina Fey If you only make one positive change in your business this year, let it be this: start outsourcing more of your tasks to freelancers online.

Youre waiting in line for your usual Monday morning cappuccino at the local cafe, and thats when you see it: a bulletin board covered with the business cards of makeup consultants to dance classes to ah, yes other local fitness business.

Do you ever feel like youre doing everything right to market yourself as a coach or trainer, but you still cant get ahead? If your online presence is sluggish and youre constantly scrambling for new clients, you might be courting the wrong target market. Your target market should consist of your ideal customers the []

My fellow fitness trainers and coaching experts: sooner or later, you are going to need a vacation (and Id advocate that you take it sooner, rather than later). For this reason, the best part about the summer is that many of your clients are already going to be taking theirs which means that, between []

Excerpt from:
John Spencer Ellis America's #1 Fitness Business Expert ...

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Written by admin |

September 25th, 2015 at 6:46 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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