Life Coaching Certification School Holistic Learning Center Announces The Release of a Complimentary Audio Course

Posted: March 28, 2013 at 6:54 am

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Holistic Learning Center is making available a complimentary spiritual life coaching audio course which can be used by independent life coaches

(PRWEB) March 24, 2013

The audio course includes several excerpts from the book Self Mastery. A Journey Home to Your Self written by Coach Hu Dalconzo. As the author of this book, Coach Hu Dalconzo invested over 25-years compiling research about the most magnanimous spiritual leaders, teachers, gurus and philosophers of the last 2500 years. He took the best of the best of these self-actualization teachers overlapping parables, principles, processes and philosophies, and blended them together into sixteen easy to understand spiritual Self-mastery lessons to help students and clients accelerate their integration of these mastery principles.

The book Self-mastery A Journey Home To Your Self has been an underground success for the same reason why the classic Think and Grow Rich has been a national best seller for decades. It contains success principles taken from hundreds of gurus and spiritual leaders. These proven mastery principles accelerate students and clients self-actualization process by helping them to quickly integrate these self-empowering exercises into their everyday life.

Tracks from the audio course will include Conscious Creation, Self-Parenting, Affirmations, Feelings, Boundaries, Relationships, Self-Esteem, and Forgiveness. The course will also include 5 Bonus Tips that will be e-mailed to those who sign up for the audio course. These Tips were developed after 20 years of field experience and are proprietary coaching tools that cant be found anywhere else. They are high value, professional documents that will reveal what HLC has learned after 15 years of testing what coaching exercises helped the most amount of clients get the fastest improvements in the shortest period of time.

Life coaches can utilize this free audio course to enhance their practice, and aspiring life coaches can use it to experience the powerful lessons that are taught by Holistic Learning Center, and to discover how they can use the material to help their clients create the permanent behavioral changes that they desire.

Sabrina Rose Holistic Learning Center 888-452-0878 3 Email Information

Life Coaching Certification School Holistic Learning Center Announces The Release of a Complimentary Audio Course

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Written by admin |

March 28th, 2013 at 6:54 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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