Australia sets the scene for free online education

Posted: March 28, 2013 at 6:44 am

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MELBOURNE, Australia, March 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Australia's leader in online education, Open Universities Australia (OUA), today unveils its new, free online education venture, Open2Study.

Demonstrating a high quality free online education experience, Open2Study is a new dimension in online learning, unlike anything else currently available worldwide.

"Open2Study isn't a me-too MOOC; its objective is not merely attracting massive enrolments. It's the next evolution in online learning, centred on student success," says Paul Wappett, OUA CEO.

Open2Study provides an engaging and compelling education based on a comprehensive pedagogical model that recognises online learners behave differently, and have different needs from on-campus learners.

"With over 20 years in the industry, we're confident we know the online student. Open2Study offers the best possible digital environment and techniques to help students understand what's being taught," says Mr Wappett.

A mixture of six to ten minute videos, animations, simulations and quizzes, designed using high production values, set a high standard for the online education experience.

"Subjects are based on our research into demand, so we're offering what people want to study. They range from Financial Planning to Strategic Management and are completed in just four weeks," says Mr Wappett.

"What's more, our subjects avoid overly technical subject matter traditionally associated with some MOOCs. They are designed for everyone, irrespective of educational background and are taught by leading academics from universities, vocational providers and industry experts.

"Anyone can enrol online today it takes less than 30 seconds. The subjects are relevant to students worldwide.

"Students won't pay a cent there are no hidden costs for textbooks, student admin or exams. Everything required to pass will be provided at no cost," says Mr Wappett.

Continued here:
Australia sets the scene for free online education

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Written by admin |

March 28th, 2013 at 6:44 am

Posted in Online Education

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