Ratan Tata: Moving the Tata Group Beyond India – Video

Posted: March 4, 2013 at 11:01 pm

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Ratan Tata: Moving the Tata Group Beyond India
Ratan Tata, former Chairman of the Tata Group, has been credited with turning Tata from a largely India-centric company into a global business, with approximately 65% of revenues coming from abroad, accomplished in part through acquisitions. Tata was interviewed by Charles Atkins, a second year MBA student at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, as part of the View from the Top Speaker Series. Tata was Chairman of the Tata Group from 1991 until his retirement in December 2012. Learn more about the View from the Top Series: http://www.gsb.stanford.edu All videos from the View from the Top speaker series: http://www.youtube.com Related Case from the Stanford Graduate School of Business: Tata Consultancy Services: Globalization of Software Services (gsbapps.stanford.edu

By: stanfordbusiness

See the original post:
Ratan Tata: Moving the Tata Group Beyond India - Video

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March 4th, 2013 at 11:01 pm

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