The wellbeing program – Video

Posted: February 17, 2013 at 1:03 am

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The wellbeing program The wellbeing program This is a 7 to 14 day health detox program followed by a four week whole food eating plan that will provide you with the knowledge to make better food choices, eliminate inflammation in your body, release toxins, help you with weight lose, help you gain renewed energy and bring balance to your body. Your body is designed to heal itself, it has the natural ability to find balance and heal if you stop doing things that throw it off balance. By eliminating the main sources of inflammation in your diet like sugar, flour, processed foods, trans fat, fast food, junk food high-fructose corn syrup and by reducing stress your body can renew. The food you put in your mouth can harm or can heal you. How you live, how you feel and what you eat all has a connection. I want to show you how to work with your body, not against it. With the The wellbeing program My desire for you is to feel the power of food, experience it, apply it and live it. You have the power to transform your life Your Choices=Your Life The main feature of The wellbeing program is based on bio-individuality. I will work with you one on one. We will find out what works for you, and only you. Not your friend, sister, mom or daughter. You as an individual with individual needs, goals, foods that work for you, exercise that fits your energy level and ability. It #39;s all about you. Through The wellbeing program we will be working "one on one". I will be your support by email ...

By: Sandy Considine

See original here:
The wellbeing program - Video

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Written by admin |

February 17th, 2013 at 1:03 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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