Questions Are The Answer: How to Use Questions are the Answers in Network Marketing – Video

Posted: February 12, 2013 at 5:42 pm

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Questions Are The Answer: How to Use Questions are the Answers in Network Marketing
Questions Are The Answer: How to Use Questions are the Answers in Network Marketing. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You might have heard that #39;Questions are the Answer #39; but wonder how to actually ask questions in a way that makes your #39;prospect #39; feel comfortable, which cause them open Questions are the Answer up rather than an interrogation, which unless you #39;re a policeman/woman will probably cause resentment. Perhaps the most important thing in using #39;questions are the answer #39; is in the framing. Network marketing is all about relationships, so we need to build a sound relationship. Part of that is finding out about them and what their concerns are at the moment. This needs to be done in a way that is open, two-way communication. Now if we listen to the other person with respect and genuine interest they will feel really good about you and will open up. Some immediately others will take more time. Melt the Ice -- the purpose of this opening stage is to create rapport with our prospects and find out about them. If you know they have kids ask about them, what they #39;re doing, how are they finding them, you can then easily respond with your own stories, this get the ice broken and gives a useful indication as to where their concerns might be, perhaps having enough money to get their children through college. This is the first and major step in using #39;Questions are the answer. #39; Find the Hot Button -- Always ask questions, find out what is ...

By: Bruce Kidson

Questions Are The Answer: How to Use Questions are the Answers in Network Marketing - Video

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February 12th, 2013 at 5:42 pm

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