Quick dumbbell burn – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 11:46 pm

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Quick dumbbell burn
See program below 18x squat shoulder press 18x lunge bicep curl 18x renegade rows 18x situp chest press ....repeat with 16x squat shoulder press 16x lunge bicep curl 16x renegade rows 16x situp chest press ....repeat with 14x squat shoulder press 14x lunge bicep curl 14x renegade rows 14x situp chest press ...repeat (Now you have the idea) go for it! 🙂 More health and fitness tips at Web: http://www.hiencoach.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiencoach Instagram: hnlife

By: Hiencoach

See original here:
Quick dumbbell burn - Video

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Written by admin |

February 7th, 2013 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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