Radical Motivation, Key #5 to Successful Education in the New Economy – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 11:42 pm

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Radical Motivation, Key #5 to Successful Education in the New Economy
http://www.anvoy.com - Online Education Platform and Peer Learning Method Radical Motivation, Key #5 to Successful Education in the New Economy Everyone agrees that motivation is the key to learning, but it is getting more and more difficult for teachers to motivate students in our multimedia-rich culture. That #39;s why it is so important to supplement classroom education with radically motivating learning opportunities. Anvoy motivates learning in 3 powerful ways that schools can #39;t Autonomy Purpose Income Incentive Autonomy gives Students the freedom to explore and discover. They choose what they want to study. They can linger on a subject that interests them until they master it. Purpose Anvoy students have a clear purpose in their minds for learning a course. They may want to help others learn the course, or they may want to promote the cause that the course supports. Income Incentive Rather than hope that certain subjects will be beneficial in the distant future, Anvoy offers the real possibility of earning income right away by coaching the course. In addition to these powerful motivators, parents, counselors, and teachers can help guide students toward certifications that eventually require the wide range of courses necessary for a well rounded education. So try Anvoy today and discover 3 new ways to Radically Motivate education!

By: AnvoyAcademy

See the original post here:
Radical Motivation, Key #5 to Successful Education in the New Economy - Video

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Written by admin |

February 7th, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Posted in Online Education

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