CAREER METHODS for Personal Success–Dual Audiences developed CEO + Route to CEO – Video

Posted: February 4, 2013 at 7:47 am

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CAREER METHODS for Personal Success--Dual Audiences developed CEO + Route to CEO
You build something in your area that PERFECTLY embodies all the CEO is requesting of the entire organization. You build an avenue to get to CEO attention via a competency--I suggest being wonderful at presentations as the competency to develop. It takes no more than 3 years to go from absolute beginner to top rated speaker via six evaluated conferences a year where you DO what your audiences advise in writing for you to do to improve. DO what they say, not what you want and BINGO you are best in 3 years and within six months in any new organization some PRESENTATION you do will catch VP or CEO attention and bring you to CEO attention. Then you can present your new proposed project only he or she can endorse and make real for you. Skip and hide from your immediate middle manager bosses--they are ALWAYS useless.

By: Richard Tabor Greene

Excerpt from:
CAREER METHODS for Personal Success--Dual Audiences developed CEO + Route to CEO - Video

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Written by admin |

February 4th, 2013 at 7:47 am

Posted in Personal Success

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